A Positive Christian Message from Eva Vlaardingerbroek regarding using God to fight back against the transhumanism (as openly promoted, the forced / mandated DNA editing of humans) agenda. We have several articles on the topic (see links below).
Biden’s latest Executive Order may be one of his most catastrophic ever. In it he is fully implementing the World Economic Forum’s main stated plan to “change what it means to be human” and edit the dna as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution».
Mandatory Gene Editing to “Change What It Means To Be Human“, says Top World leaders (and there are no legal challenges): major story (as quoted from the World Economic Forum website: https://www.weforum.org/about/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-by-klaus-schwab Representing along with elites like Bill Gates, Fauci, several Moderna and Pfizer co-owners, and 1,000 other top leaders funding this organization’s main agenda, at their conferences in Switzerland) much of the alarming content we’ve published here.
We are not into any “theories”. The theft of human and constitutional rights are very blatantly admitted and walked over through shock and awe tactics.
The US Constitution’s 14th Amendment § 3 plainly states that even if the President wages “insurrection against the Constitution (clearly against the most foundational Constitutional Texts and Amendments) itself” they are automatically / immediately barred from office, no impeachments are necessary. It says in the next section that he can only be restored to office by a 2/3rds majority of Congress voting him back in. Anyone who swore the oath “ to protect and defend the Constitution” (actual quote of oath, to defend the Constitution, not a tyrant who clearly subverts it) is required to execute the same, without any excuses. We didn’t write that oath, but are reporting it, and it’s contents.
This executive order (including many others) constitute very clear breaches of the Amendments of the US Constitution. While Biden would claim not to promote forced vaccination, has starved people out, coercing them into proven auto-immune disorders caused in 100% of the cases in mouse safety tests, as well as passing to their offspring. Which till “operation warp speed” (to rollout without safety tests, in preference of virus effectiveness studies), with effectiveness measuring normally 1 critera about the virus itself, not counting the major inflammation measured throughout the body.
Although Biden said he didn’t mandate it, his actions of starving people out show otherwise. This is coercion to do a Nuremberg code definition of “State Medical Experiments” where there’s any non-informed consent or coercion. This is violations of the Constitution on steroids also. Just take items like “property”, would the human body be property? We know he signed the 30-30 plan which says by 2030 that 30% of all American land will become “green zone projects” to help reduce the 0.0x% global emissions that are man-made. Mother nature makes the other 99.9x% of carbon emissions we’re fighting (says all scientists on the matter). Still enough to steal “by emergency / executive order” to create 30% of America’s land into “Green Project Zones”, much like they did with Senator Harry Reid’s own family business throwing the Bundy Ranch family off of their lands so they could install a Chinese Green Energy farm (which destroyed the nature, ecosystems and surrounding environment ultimately).
It’s easy to prove that at least the Amendments that deal with protecting property and search and seizure of private items in violation of the Constitution. Pursuant to the 14th Amendment § 3 plainly states that even if the President wages “insurrection against the Constitution itself” they are immediately barred from office, no impeachments necessary. It says in the next section that he can only be restored to office by a 2/3rds majority of Congress voting him back in. Jurisdiction over the human cells by new untested mRNA therapies was already claimed in the covid vaccine rollout, the proof is everywhere on any one of the Constitutional Amendments.
Now it’s spelled out a little more clearly in Biden’s latest executive order, as from the Whitehouse.gov website:
Some excerpts from the Executive Order:
“It is the policy of my Administration to coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security. Central to this policy and its outcomes are principles of equity, ethics, safety, and security that enable access to technologies, processes, and products in a manner that benefits all Americans and the global community and that maintains United States technological leadership and economic competitiveness,” it started.
Biden then talked about using biotech and such to “develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.”
Calling for ethics and responsibility, he said the programs will include “genomic and multiomic information” … that are important to “health, climate, energy, food, agriculture and biomanufacturing.
le actual order from the White House included virtually everything.
Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee who has been blowing the whistle on the experimental COVID shots, said, “Biden’s Sept 12, 2022 Executive Order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene editing technologies needed to merge humans with Ai.”
The New York Post noted the order concerns COVID shots, genetically modified seeds and much, much more.
“Other countries, including and especially China are aggressively investing in this sector, which poses risks to U.S. leadership and competitiveness,” said an administration official who declined to be named previewing Biden’s actions.
According to the New York Post, it “allows the federal government to direct funding for the use of microbes and other biologically derived resources to make new foods, fertilizers and seeds, as well as making mining operations more efficient, administration officials said.”
But a commentary at Freedom First Network explains the order is more than that.
14th Amendment § 3 plainly states that even if the President wages “insurrection against the Constitution itself” they are immediately barred from office, no impeachments necessary. It says in the next section that he can only be restored to office by a 2/3rds majority of Congress voting him back in. Anyone who swore the oath “ to protect and defend the Constitution” is required to execute the same, without any excuses. We didn’t write that oath, but are reporting it, and it’s contents.
Although we do trust the court system of the world (which is under authority granted from above), we also appeal to the higher court, of Jesus Christ our Lord, King of Kings and Lord of Lords Amen. Pray for us, and pray with us: