Label: brunswick nobility

Continuity of the Brunswick Templar, the Sovereign Protection

Continuity of the Brunswick Templar Introduction: The Significance of the 1321 Agreement The 1321 Agreement between Duke Otto of Brunswick, a former Templar commander, and the Order of St. John […]

German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword

Small intro to the article “German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword” by the Grace of God HMSH, the Primace Dr. Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, ThD, PhD, House […]

WAR AND THE BREED by David Starr Jordan – PS, Institute of Peace Studies

The War and The Breed by David Starr Jordan. The Relations of War to the Downfall of Nations Download “War and the Breed” in PDF format Priory of Salem, Institute […]

Sovereign Counts, Princes and Dukes in Europe / Germany (Reigning and Non-Reigning) and International Law

In Germany / Europe the several compacts / agreements of states to mutually protect other states sovereignty was always strong. These came under several forms, and one that stayed the […]

Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum

The House of Brunswick descends from the original Nobility (Angevin) who had set up and founded the Knights Templar. Not only this, but Brunswick has also maintained it’s status as […]