We believe that positivity is good and important, in balance. However some have fallen prey and become foot soldiers of enemies of America in the name of a false notion […]
Label: haatmisdrijven
Geciteerde publieke leiders zeggen: "Dood alle blanke mensen", machtige mensen die oproepen tot genocide en holocaust (studie van de Priorij van Salem, Vredesinstituut)
The “Kill All White People” Top Headlines of Mainstream News. As demanded by numerous public leaders (renegade agents of government and society). Read on to view the Headlines of 96 Cases […]
Proof Stephen Paddock, Vegas Shooter, was ISIS Militant and ANTIFA Activist, Married to Muslim Philippino
Felony Hate Crimes for Churches, aangezien het tirannieke edict van het Hooggerechtshof tegen de natuur en het gezin ingaat
It’s not just about civil unions. In each case, the extremist rainbow flag wavers have taken the issues ten times farther than ever dreamed. Now our beliefs and nature itself […]
Buitenlandse ADL-huurmoordenaars ontslagen, nu met controle over alle lokale wetshandhaving.
The ADL has been a primary wing of oppression, abusing hate crimes laws, in order to attack the Constitutional rights of every American (who are not in the minority). In […]