“Meet the man who appears to be the first in the post-Soviet Union West to be brought up on criminal charges for publishing long-held Christian beliefs.” (the Federalist wrote)
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To me it is obvious that the “new” identities created in Finland in the last 5 years under the Obama-Biden pressure matrix seem to have gone horribly wrong. In 2004 when his book was printed students were 4-5 times more likely to be struck by lightening than to be a transgender. Also that year the booklet was printed same-sex marriage was illegal nearly everywhere, including in America. Most acts of homosexuality, including private sodomy in a person’s own bedroom was a felony in several states. This was only overturned in the Supreme Court in 2003. Also sodomy remained a felony crime in many scenarios (like while active in the military) for another 10 years thereafter. It would seem these radical actions by the state against such foundational church establishments has little to do with the new “protected” identities and more about radical atheists destroying Christianity and making a state based on an absolutist ideological belief system of atheism.
- "200 GÅNGER SANNLIGARE FÖR ATT FÅ HIV", men regeringar främjar det med extrem fördom mot alla institutioner av religion
- ****PLEASE SPREAD AWARENESS As Children Are Forced Into Nude Gay Parades as part of mandatory safety training and human rights awareness, according to state laws as interpreted by Obama’s Safe School Czar’s interpretation of pedophillia (in several states parents cannot opt-out their children from this ideological indoctrination, when the law still says this is actual felony criminal conspiracy(racketeering) to commit acts of pedophilia)