We believe those of Hebrew Roots backgrounds will get along well with us. We ourselves are Hebrew Roots Enthusiasts. Although we have more of a focus on more the British Israelism aspects, that is merely because thousands of books have been published on the topic from that aspect. A classic book being “Judah’s Sceptre, Joseph’s Birthright“.
Rarely, every now and again also some astute Jews have agreed with the theories of British Israelism (or Anglo Israel). One prominent one lately is Yair Davidy, an Orthodox Jew out of Jerusalem. He has written dozens of books on the topic and does well promoting it. You can always find them, as far back as Josephus, the 1st Century Jewish historian.
We would be wise believers to occupy and use what God has undeniably provided for His people. We should be advancing and celebrating the victory of His truth which endures through all generations. God has preserved a remnant of Israelites who show forth exactly as He said they would in the end times. The truths of Israel helps to know not only who the tribes are, but what sins we need to repent from (mostly national sins). Also it helps us understand how God is dealing with us in the national punishments, and also in times of restoration. Knowing His laws (mostly national) gives us the greatest understanding, as His word tells us.
However, it’s not just these core key principles of the tribal identity we have in common. There’s a lot more we share with various Hebrew Roots organizations, such as using the ancient liturgies and languages, observing the Biblical Sabbath, as well as the Feasts and Dietary laws. We will always have our slant to try and get them baptized into full orthodoxy. Our Primace Dr Stephen MK Brunswick has written a book Sabbat i den ortodoxa kyrkan, where he cites numerous Early Church Fathers who were advocating the 7th Day (Saturday) Sabbath alongside the First day of the Week (Sunday).
Over the last century a lot of larger churches (several of them with over 100,000 members like Worldwide Church of God), not only came over to the Biblical Sabbath, but all the understanding of the twelve tribes of Israel in the North Western Christian Nations. The head of WWCOG was received a condolences letter from President like Ronald Regan. He wrote “America and Great Britain in Prophecy.” Today there are hundreds of splinter groups still holding fast to these wonderful traditions in obedience to the truth of the word of God.
Two Houses
A large bulk of the books of the Hebrew roots movement focus on the two Houses in prophecy. The House of Judah (2 tribes) and the House of Israel (12 tribes).
If you’re a Hebrew Roots Enthusiast, you should check out our section on the Biblical Culdees beliefs (observing Sabbath, feasts, dietary laws, older true Israel liturgies, promoting good kingdom principles, national repentance etc). You may find yourself more at home than you realized.
You’ll find we have a proven line of the strongest Hebrew connections with the First Century Church at the British Isles. To get in contact with one of our local communities Kontakta oss.