Dear friends in Christ, According to many recovered legal experts, with the types of attorneys that exist (mainly as political agents sold out to Mystery Babylon) there will be […]
Etikett: goterna
29 april 2020 Inkommande asteroidtecken i himlen och en biblisk profetia bekräftad igen för vikingarna och släktingarna
On April 29th 2020 you may view yet another unmistakable “sign in the heavens” proving again the DANELAW Government is of God(Dane and Saxon having a strong Imperial tribal alliance […]
Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel Empire and Cultural Heritage. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Heirs of Several Former Goths’ States, the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel Succeeded in the alloid inheritance of the Amali and Balti Dynasties
”Spread of the Culdean Church” gratis kapitel från “Scottish Nation's History” eller The Celtic Church (The Three Volumes) History: History of Civilization From Pre-historical Times to Medieval Times.
Ärftligt ledarskap av stam och kyrka
De skytiska goterna, de sanna israeliska kungarikena som utgör grunden för all europeisk adel och rätt att härska
The Scythians were all called Goths and Goths all called Scythian, ( I have many quotes from Steven Collin’s book on this under their various names Getai/Geats. Visigoths, Ostrogoths, etc). […]