Schlagwort: britische Heilige

A Few “Separatist Culdee” Books on 2nd Century St Elfanus and his King Lucius

Numerous scholars have highlighted the push-back of the Celtic church against Rome. The Irish Primate / Bishop Ussher also wrote well on this topic in the 17th Century (which was […]

1st Century Irish Druids Incorporated Hebrew Christianity at Glastonbury Under Direction of the King of Ulster

In the 1922 Cambridge printed book titled, “St. Joseph at Arimathea at Glastonbury” written by the Vicar of Glastonbury, Reverend Smithett Lewis, it says that as early as 48 AD […]

St Elfan Avalonius, 2nd Century Welsh Saint, comm. January 1st and Sept 26

Sermon broadcasted January 1st, 2024: Here is another great lesson regarding the early Celtic Saints (we document over 1,000 more Saints which are officially honored by the Orthodox, as […]

Drama of Lost Disciples, Jesus’ Disciples to Britain #1 – Page One

Drama of the Lost Disciples (Jesus’ Disciples) to Britain #1 PDF Book version: or Download “Drama of the Lost Disciples” by Jowett to read the pdf offline. Below is the […]

Die Jerusalemer Kirche zog nach Großbritannien und der Apostolische Stuhl von Glastonbury, später das „zweite Rom“ genannt. Viele britische Heilige des 1. bis 2. Jahrhunderts bestätigen dies, siehe beigefügtes PDF der Heiligen

Succession of the Jersalem Bishops and Church.  A study from the Priory of Salem Institute of Theology Many people are unaware of how much authority Saint Joseph (Christ’s uncle, the […]

Die historische keltische Kirche und die heutige orthodoxe Kirche der Culdees

Dr Wylie In his “History of Scotland” said:  “It was the Culdee lamp that burned at Constance,at Basle, at Ypres, at Worms and Mainz. Boniface, the emissary ofRome, came afterwards […]

Die Culdees waren die ersten Christen, "Drama der verlorenen Jünger" von George F. Jowett

“THE DRAMA OF THE LOST DISCIPLES” is a classic of British Israelism, and a rare book. You can read samples of this book (or check all of it online, as […]