Succession of the Jersalem Bishops and Church. A study from the Priory of Salem Institute of Theology Many people are unaware of how much authority Saint Joseph (Christ’s uncle, the […]
Schlagwort: Lehre Sabbat orthodoxe Kirche
Happy Feast Day von St. Colman, ein weiterer starker Zeuge für den orthodoxen christlichen und hebräischen Kalender
He is one of many Celtic Orthodox witnesses, well known for keeping the correct days (and ways) of keeping the Christian Passover. Saint Colman followed in the original Hebrew and […]
Die heutige Sabbat-Predigt: Vater lieben, anstatt Dinge in der Welt zu vergöttern
Garantierter Samstag UND Sonntag sind BEIDE Festtage für die Auferstehung Christi!
On Saturday 3PM (or before sunset) the Resurrection of our King Yahshua had occurred on the Hebrew (and Apostles’ Didascalia) Calendar as used in the Orthodox Church. Both days are […]