Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel Empire and Cultural Heritage. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Heirs of Several Former Goths’ States, the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel Succeeded in the alloid inheritance of the Amali and Balti Dynasties

Répandre l'amour

The House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick Being a Legal Successor to Numerous States of the Goths’ Empire. 


  • DNA Match of the Royal Capetian Line of Nott-Brunswick


The House of Billing is the main competing blood between Prussia and Welf-Brunswick. Today the most reputed family of successors of the House of the Amalings (leading dynasty of the Goths), the Royal House of the Ostrogoths of Italy, is most widely known as the Billungs. This house will be demonstrated in addition to a few other kindred houses which have held and continue to hold these estates. The primogeniture family successors of these Gothian houses is demonstrated herein. It is a long established fact of history as being realized in the House of Este-Guelph (head Dynastic Branch being Princes of Wolfenbuettel). The genealogy of the Billung’s successors are found below.

En 1137, le contrôle de la Saxe passa à la dynastie des Guelph, descendants de Wulfhild Billung, fille aînée du dernier duc Billung, l'empereur Lothar III de Supplinburg. Ce qui passa à son successeur impérial Henri le Fier, à Henri le Lion de Brunswick et à son fils l'empereur Otton IV de Brunswick. Brunswick est la plus ancienne maison royale (et impériale) d'Europe en droit international (bien que de jure et exilée, Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel est valide en droit international prescriptif).

Hermannus Billung de Saxe est un successeur masculin direct de Hengist, Witukind et Gauti.

From the time of Hengist, of Saxony, King of Kent, his son Aesc was King of Kent, and so was his son, Ochta, and his son Eormenric, and his son Saint Ethelbert I, and his son Aethelbert, and his son Eadbald, and his son Eormenred of Saxony all were kings of Kent England. He had a son son Aethelberht who remained a Lord in Saxony, and his son also a Graf in Saxony, was Billung von Wenden, according to one account. In other accounts Aethelbert II was King of Kent sons returned to Saxony, known as Billings(Billungs) of Saxony. Most genealogies go back at least to “Brunhart Billung I. von Stubenskorn Graf in Sachsen”, Count of Thuringa was son Aethelbert. The brother of this Bruno I was Amelung I Billung, (whose lines are documented a ways down to the year 1137 when they went extinct and their last female heir married the d’Este-Guelph male heir (of Brunswick).

(Heraldry of the region of Kent today. This is the same shield of Witukind, which became the standard of greater Saxony, and remains at least for most parts like Lower Saxony today).




Another branch of the Billings controlled Northmark, under Wichman the Elder. Our main branch of Billungs controlled the Northern Billunger March. Combined these were a vast area. Amelung I fathered Bennid I Billung, who fathered Amelung II Billung, who fathered Amelung III Billung who failed to produce heirs in the 9e siècle. La ligne a ensuite continué via Bruno, comme ci-dessous, jusqu'à Henry Leo (le Lion) de Brunswick, et à son fils l'empereur Otto IV von Brunswick, et les successeurs légaux vivants aujourd'hui.

Les armoiries de Brunswick Welfen (vers 1200) de la tombe de Welfs VI. et Welfs VII. à St. Johannes Baptist (Steingaden); à l'origine: lion bleu sur fond d'or (aujourd'hui au Musée national bavarois, Munich). Le Helmzier, deux cornes de buffle ornées de plumes de paon, a été transmis aux Welfen de Braunschweig depuis 1290, et ils deviendront plus tard les faucilles d'aujourd'hui. Les armoiries des messieurs de Ravensburg (Beienburg) dans les armoiries de Zurich, qui étaient au service du Welf Henry le Lion, montrent à la fois le lion (debout) et les cornes de buffle décorées de plumes de paon.

Welfen Viking armoiries Gothia Goths


Vous trouverez ci-dessous les principaux alloïdes (les domaines héréditaires) répertoriés comme leur héritage généalogique jusqu'aux principales lignes aujourd'hui à Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel. Il est montré avec la principauté de Göttingen passant vers le bas (y compris la Saxe par Henry le Lion, etc.).

(Note: 1. Gottingen was spelled Swedish Gutingi in the oldest documents. 2. The Gottingen alloid being from Woden-born Emperor Witekind (Saxony Dynasty) to his wife Geva, the daughter of the Haithabu King Gotterick of Denmark, the King of the primary realm called Gothia at that time in Scandinavia.)

Sur la ligne Brunoid, vous pouvez voir comment cela s'est passé chez l'ancêtre de Brunswick, l'empereur Lothaire, et les autres empereurs saxons de la famille.

Les Brunoïdes étaient également ducs de Frise. Leur royaume de cette époque (environ 900 après JC) utilisait tous des runes sur leur monnaie, de l'ancienne version Elder Futhark. Voici une pièce de cette période:

Pour en savoir plus sur les runes allemandes saxonnes, consultez:

Graphique de la maison: 

Comme vous pouvez le voir (ci-dessus) Dans les cartes généalogiques de Butler, Göttingen étant également interchangeable avec la Saxe sur la Weser, ainsi qu'avec Nordheim.

Billunger Imperial Dynasty (Kings of Vendi, Dukes of Billunger March, Nordmark and Ostmark, Dukes of all Saxony, Emperors)
Wislaus III, first King of the Vendi (Vandals) and Oborites. (father of 14 successive Kings of the Wends) at the Baltic.
Aribert I, second King of the Vendi (Vandals) and Oborites Father of King Aribert II, King of the Wends.
Brunhart Billung I. von Stubenskorn Count in Saxony, Woden-born, Count of Thuringa, Prince of Kent. Was second-born son of Aribert.
Billung von Wenden, brother of Amelung, princeps militiae, Duke of Saxony
Amelung III Billung, Marshal of Saxony, Duke Luneburg / Billunger March
Ordulf Billung, Duke of N E Saxony (Billunger March Pomerania / Poland region) + Wulfhild of Gothia, Sweden and Norway
Wulfhild Billunger of Saxony. Eldest dau of Magnus, Heiress of the Dukedom Saxony + Elector Henry the Black d’Este-Guelph, Duke of Bavaria
Emperor Henry the Proud of Brunswick, inherited senior male estates of Guelph and ruled from the Baltic to Sicily. His duchy of Saxony alone was larger than half of Germany. The pope cancelled his Imperial election for Conrad.
Henry the Lion of Brunswick, Heir of all Imperial estates at 10 years old. Fully occupied Wends lands and took control. Henry’s daughter Mechtild married the senior king of the Wends, to give back some Wends lands to form the Mecklenburg house.
Emperor Otto IV, Duke of Brunswick, King of Germany, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
Otto the Child, successor of Brunswick, in Denmark was made count of Garding and Thetesbüll in Schleswig Holstein as a Danish prince through his mother Helena Regent, princess and duchess + Ascanian Mechtild/Matilda of Brandenburg, of the Billunger line via Elicke, the younger dau of Magnus Billung and the Ascanian Counts
Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor, he and his brothers re-took Brandenburg per the Billunger and Ascanian rights
Duke August the Younger, although was last in line of succession to Wolfenbüttel -Brunswick because his mother Ursula was Ascanian dau of Duke Francis I of Saxe-Lauenburg + Elisabeth Sophie of Mecklenburg(Vendi) whose heir Ferdinand Albert received the seconditure of Bevern- Wolfenbüttel
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.


Guelph Imperial Dynasty

(Princes of Scyrii, Kings of Italy, of Burgundy, and of Lombardia, Counts of Genoa, incl Genovese Crimean Gothia, and Altdorf in Swabia, Margraves of Milan, Dukes of Bavaria, Carinthia, and other Italian Ostrogothic estates)

Pharamond, King of Sicambrian Franks + Princess Argotta dau of Emperor Theodoric of Gothia and Italy
Edico, King of the Scyri, Herulii and Rugii, father of Odoacre
Arnoldus, of Franks, G.father of Charlemagne & Carolingian Emperors
Ruthardus of Altdorf, father of Guelph I of Bavaria
Adalbert III di Lucca (Margrave) of Tuscany
Gerberga of Burgundy, ancestress of Hohenstaufen, her mother was 6th G granddaughter of Charlemagne, father was Guelph Conrad King of Burgundy
Cunigunda, Heiress dau of Guelph II + Azo II of Mlian, became Marquess of Este 11K mansi of land of Elisina Lombardy + Azo Prince of Este
Guelph III, brother of Cunigunda Duke of Carinthia and Marqis of Verona incl Tyrol & Rhoetian Alps
Rudolf II, Count of Altorf and Ravensburg. (Some Pre-Charlemagne alloidial estates)
Guelph IV Duke of Bavaria, sone of Azzo II and Cunigunda of Altorf Swabian Elder line of Guelph
Guelph V + Mathilda Este heiress of all estates. Passed to his Elder brother, Henry the Black of Brunswick
Guelph VI, younger bro of Henry the Proud, retained Altorf and Ravensburg, passing to sister Judith and husband Hohenstaufen Emperor Fredrick and jealous sons the rival Emperors
Henry the Lion of Brunswick, Heir of all Imperial estates at 10 years old. Although occupied, his sons repossessed all estates.
Emperor Otto IV von Brunswick
Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.


Este Imperial Dynasty, Senior branch
(Eldest living Italian Royal line, H.R. princes of Italian estates. Today the Younger branch is continuing subordinate to Guelphic Chief Elder branch of the house)
Descended from old Actius in the reign of Tarquinius Priscus, King of the Romans, whose offspring were senators, one of them, Marcus Actius (Attius), married Julia Major, sister of Julius Caesar, by whom begat Actia, 2nd wife of Caius Octavius and mother of Augustus Caesar.
Cajus Actius, Prince of Este, 390AD Julian Este Imp House of Caesar,
Biblical House of Philippians 4:22 KJV ” All the Saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar’s household.”
Caius Actius II. Prince, or Lord of Este, 402  *This line of pedigree is an exact translation of the M.S. compiled by the late Count de Chambord, and in his hand- (and in Anderson’s Genealogies)
Comte de Chambord’s Table of Este.
Bonifacius, of Este, Lord of Feltro, died 556 ; his son was Valerianus, of Este, Lord of Feltro, killed in battle 550 ; his son was Gundelhard, Prince of Este, Feltro, and Monfelice, major-domo of Dagobert, King of France, 636; his son was Heribert, Lord of Este, 694;
his son was Ernest, Lord of Este, killed 752; his son was
Henry I., created by Charlemagne Prince of Tarvis and Markgrave of Este, he died 780 ; his son was Berengarius, Markgrave of Este and Lord of Tarvis, died 840 ; his son was Otto II., Markgrave of Este and Tarvis, died 898;
his son was Sigfried I(or Albertus / Obertus / Sigbertus)., Count of Este, Lord of Lucca and
Parma, died 954 ; his son was Azo II., Count of Este, Margrave of Milan and Genoa, Lord of Placentia and Reggio, made Imperial Vicar by the Emperor Otto I., he married  Kunigunde von Altdorf, dau of Welf III, and
died 970;
his son was Theobald I., Markgrave of Ferrara and Verona, Count of Canossa, Lord of Lucca, Placentia, Parma, and Reggio ; his son was Hugh III., Markgrave of Este, Milan, Genoa, Tuscany, and Stadtholder of Italy ; died 1014;
his son was Azo IV., by some called Azo III., the Great,
Markgrave of Este; his son Azo VI., Markgrave of Este, he died 1055 ; his uncle was Welpho V (Guelph V)., Duke of Bavaria and ancestor of the House of Brunswick (end quote of  Comte de Chambord’s Table of Este.) and he married Matilda, the so-called heiress of all the Este (Italian) estates.
Oberto Albert Azzo II (son of Albert Azzo I), Comte de Luni(Toscane-Italie), Marquis de Ligurie(It) et Milan(It), Genova, et al. + Alde de Saxe, Imperial Princess of the Holy Roman Empire, dau of Otto II (Ottonian Dynasty) died 1097
Immilla Irmengarde d’ORIATE, dau of Olderic-Manfred II, Comte de Vintmille(Liguria-Italy), Marquis of Turin etc, and Bertha Obertini of Milan+ Ekbert ler Billungen Brunoid de Brunswick, died 1078
Gertrude of Brunswick, dau of Irmangarde and Ekbert,,  of Imperial Brunoid Dynasty alloid of Brunswick and East Frisia. + Henri le Gras Comte de NORTHEIM, died 1117
Bonifacius(Bonifazio I d’Este), Prince of Ferrara, Mantua, Lucca, Parma, Modena, Placentia, Regio, Pisa, Spoleto, Ancona, and Tuscany
Azzo IV, Duke of Milan, Prince of Este + Ferrara to Tuscany
Emperor Henry the Proud d’Este von Brunswick, Senior Branch of Este. The Younger branch went to  Azzo d’Este VI (1170–1212) who became podestà of Mantua and Verona.
Henry the Lion of Brunswick, Heir of all Imperial estates at 10 years old. Although occupied, his sons repossessed all estates.
Emperor Otto IV, Duke of Brunswick, King of Germany, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor (re-occupied Tuscany and re-conquered all Italian estates to Sicily)
Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.


Lorsque la maison de Brunswick utilisait surtout le titre de «prince de Gutingi / Göttingen», c'était entre les règnes de deux empereurs de Brunswick, celui d'Otton IV et de l'empereur Friedrich I von Brunswick [empereurs officiels de l'EDH. En tant que descendants des empereurs saxons, la maison avait les droits les plus élevés en tant que Este-Guelph. Comme au début des guerres Guelph Ghibbline, Templar vs Hospitalier].

The line listed in several encyclopedias shows Witukind, King of Saxony married Geva, the daughter of King Gotterick (of Denmark-Sweden vaster-Gotland). The Scandinavian land over which he was King over was called Gothia. It was understood the Saxony house dowery included a land med after the Kingdom, in Saxony itself called Gottingen. This root line of Gottingen-Brunswick birthed several generations of Emperors of Germany which were also crowned Holy Roman Emperors, ruling as chief dukes of the House of Brunswick (including official heads of the realms of Eastphalia, Westphalia, East Friesland, Sicily, several Italian principalities, French Estates, Duchy of Bavaria, Duchy of Pomerania, in those times) which has continued in more continued successions maintained than any other house today.


The Ottonian and Gottingen, Brunoid Dynastic Heirship in the Dukes of Brunswick: 

Saxon Imperial Dynasty
(E and W Saxony, Ottonian Elder branch)
Saxon Imperial Dynasty
(E and W Saxony, Göttingen Younger branch)
Emperor Witekind, King of the Saxons, Woden-born, Prince of Angles, Christian death in 807AD +  Geva, dau of Goderic( Göttrick), Haithabu King of Denmark (Gothia) Emperor Witekind, King of the Saxons, Woden-born, Prince of Angles, death in 807AD +  Geva, dau of Goderic( Göttrick ), Haithabu  King of Denmark (King of Gothia)
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Wigebert, son of Wittikindus, his firstborn successor via Geva (daughter of King of Haithabu Denmark) +  Sindacilla, dau of Ratbodus, King of Friesland Wigebert, son of Wittikindus, his firstborn successor via Geva (daughter of King of Haithabu Denmark) +  Sindacilla, dau of Ratbodus, King of Friesland
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Bruno I, senior Duke of Saxony, firstborn of Wigebert using Goth/Viking Runic coins Bruno I, senior Duke of Saxony, firstborn of Wigebert,  Goth/Viking Runic coins
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Bruno II, Firstborn senior Duke of Saxony and Frisia(mini-Empire), built the City of Braunschweig,  kept court at Göttingen Bruno II, firstborn senior Duke of Saxony and Frisia, built the City of Braunschweig, kept court at Göttingen
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Emperor Henry I, the Fowler, son of Otto, the younger brother of Bruno II, was King of East Francia and Duke of Saxony. Senior Line of the Ottonian Dynasty of Kings and Emperors Sigfrid I, Count of Northeim and Göttingen (Founded younger Branch as desdended of Henry the Duke of Bavaria, youngest son of Henry the Fowler)
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Emperor Ott, eldest son of Henry the Fowler. He was father of Emperor Otto II + Byzantine Princess Theophanu, Empress & Regent of Otto III. All were
Kings of Germany, Crowned Holy Roman Emperors
Otto, Duke of Saxony on the Weser (or of “Old Saxony” Göttingen) Immedinger (Witukindischer) of Nordheim Duke of Bavaria
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Emperor Otto III, called the Wonder of the World, son of Emperor Otto II and Theophanu of Byzantium. He was assassinated by a Roman Consul’s widow in 1003, and was without issue. Emperor Henry II, Duke of Bavaria, Duke of Carinthia, King of Italy, King of Germany, HR Emperor. Kept his Imperial court at Göttingen where died.
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Princess Itha, granddau of Otho I via Richildis. +  Rudolf II d’Guelph Count of Altorf and Ravensburg. Ancestor of the Electors of Brandenburg (Pre-Charlemagne alloidial estates) Henry of Northeim- Göttingen + heiress Gertrude of Imperial Brunoid Dynasty alloid of Brunswick and East Frisia.
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Kunigunde d’Este Guelph of Altorf, joining estates of both houses. She’s an Ottonian descendant as a Great Great Niece of Emperor Henry II, and named after his wife Empress Cunigunde. He was Holy Roman Emperor, Duke of Bavaria, King & Queen of Germany and Italy, kept the government at Göttingen. Richenza de NORTHEIM, dau of Gertrude and Henry, +  Lothaire II de SUPPLIENBURG, Empereur Romain germanique, Duc de Saxe, Comte de Supplienbourg
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Emperor Henry the Proud of Brunswick, Ruled the Baltic to Sicily Holy Roman Emperor Lothar (II) III of Supplingenburg, Duke of Saxony, King of Germany. + Richenza of Northeim Göttingen Saxony, dau of Henry of Norheim and Gertrude of Brunswick. Emperor Lothaire Granted all Imperial properties to his son-in-law, successor, Henry the Proud.
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Emperor Otto IV, Duke of Brunswick, King of Germany, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor Gertraut of Brunswick and Supplingenburg  Heiress of the Emperor  + Emperor Henry the Proud, Duke of Bavaria and Saxony, 6e Saxon Duke raised to the rank of Emperor since Witukind, but Imperial election stopped by the pope.
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Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor Henry the Lion of Brunswick, Heir of all Imperial estates at 10 years old. Although occupied, his sons repossessed all estates.
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Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”. Emperor Otto IV, Duke of Brunswick, King of Germany, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.

The House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick descends of both these lines. Also descends from several other Imperial Dynasties as the only successor, as claimed and maintained in international law in every generation.

Tandis que Göttingen avait longtemps été une possession alloïdale et une capitale pour la maison, le nom de domaine de «prince de Göttingen» ne vint à être qu'à cette période, en l'honneur de nos ancêtres empereurs ottoniens qui y gardèrent leur cour impériale. Celles-ci appartenaient en grande partie à la maison Saxon-Billung-Gothian.

La principauté de Northeim était parfois appelée la même chose que «Göttingen», bien que les chercheurs récents les différencient normalement en deux. La région était aussi appelée «Saxe sur le Weser» juste avant d'être unie à l'empereur Lothaire et donnée à son gendre Henri le Fier.

Les «agnats» [descendants de la lignée] ont désormais continué à utiliser le titre, conservant le droit de ce domaine du palais impérial de Gutingi. L'État est toujours légalement une principauté aujourd'hui, mais seulement dans un gouvernement de jure en exil. Tous les descendants légitimes de Brunswick naissent avec le titre de «prince de Göttingen», et seul le duc en chef de Brunswick porte le titre de «prince de Göttingen». En tant qu'héritier de la plus grande partie de l'héritage de Billung Saxe, le palais impérial de Göttingen de nombreux empereurs a fait le montage alloïde pour Brunswick la plupart du temps, pour la maison.

Les armoiries de la Principauté de Göttingen sont les armoiries principales de la Maison de Brunswick, comme ci-dessous:

(Notez que la dernière version de jure Wolfenbuettel du drapeau était avec du blanc et du bleu, pas avec de l'or. Cependant, l'or a été utilisé de manière interchangeable.)

La capitale de la monarchie de Brunswick a été principalement Göttingen, elle était à d'autres moments une capitale secondaire subordonnée de certains des plus petits domaines sous la plus grande monarchie de Brunswick. Stratégiquement, la ville de Brunswick a été la capitale pendant un certain temps, et la principauté de Wolfenbuettel a également été une capitale plus pratique pour le Grand Brunswick-Luneburg pendant un certain temps. La plupart des principautés subordonnées au cours des 400 dernières années ont reconnu leur subordination en écrivant leurs noms d'État comme Wolfenbuettel-Luneburg [par exemple] qui était une autre principauté des nombreuses principautés subordonnées à la ligne Wolfenbuettel de la branche principale en chef de la maison qui régnait sur tout comme Absolu Les monarques, qui par définition étaient également un micro Empire lui-même, et le sont restés aujourd'hui.

Les couronnes impériales vont beaucoup plus loin que l'on peut lire, de l'Italie à la Russie, aux derniers Piasts régnants, bien que ceux-ci aient tous disparu légalement en tant que maisons. Pourtant, tout ce que nous pouvons dire pour autant que notre maison ancienne et vivante puisse toujours le démontrer, tout est issu de cet héritage central Gutingi / Gothien. De nombreux autres royaumes co-tribaux abondent dont nous nous réunissons aujourd'hui!

More information on this living house is available from the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace studies, if you write to the coadjutor at



De nombreuses lignées du haut patrimoine royal français d'Henri le Lion remontent aux Goths. L'un d'eux est la lignée des Guelfes, qui descendent d'un parent aîné de Charlemagne. L'une des plus hautes est peut-être la lignée d'Argotta, mère de tous les rois de France. Il fait officiellement partie de l'histoire de France et nous l'incluons donc dans son propre chapitre séparé, plus tard.

Le nom, le territoire et la dynastie wisigothiques restent dans les titres de la noblesse de France. La pairie de France (princes égaux de rang le plus élevé) a plusieurs princes héréditaires de ce royaume, utilisant la revendication comme la plus grande province appelée «Languedoc». Lisez le livret de Jean Lafitte et l'article intitulé «Languedoc, déformation de * Land Goth?». Dynastiquement, il est également manifestement préservé (comme je donne un avant-goût ci-dessous). La succession de la famille wisigothique a été préservée de la dynastie Balti originale via la princesse wisigothique Brunhilda, grand-mère de Pépin (et d'autres nobles wisigoths), transférant ainsi les droits aux Francs, plus tard aux descendants dynastiques connus sous le nom de comtes de Toulouse et de princes de Gothie pour 800 ans supplémentaires. Le royaume d'origine de la terre de Gothia (Wisigoth) reste sous le nom de «Langeudoc» (Pays des Goths / Langue de Goth), selon de nombreux documents authentiques, encyclopédies, etc. Aujourd'hui, vous pouvez également le rechercher sur n'importe quelle carte. Qu'ils appellent leur territoire Langeudoc ou Gothia ne fait aucune différence, car tous conviennent que c'est le même endroit, la même tribu et juste une orthographe différente. Il a été continué légalement à travers la généalogie féminine wisigoth, également sous le titre «Gothia», et plus tard dans la même région familièrement que le Languedoc. Pendant la plupart des générations, il est resté au sein du gouvernement de la noblesse toulousaine. Il est ensuite passé à leur héritier Philippe III qui était de la dynastie capétienne antérieure, et à travers tous les rois français jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Nous savons que la Maison de Bourbon, branche cadette de la dynastie capétienne a détenu les subventions originales avec le nom «Gothia» selon les livres d'histoire générale (l'un comme joint dans le graphique). Le territoire d'origine a atteint les rois de France en passant d'abord par la princesse wisigothique Brunhilda. Elle l'a transmis à ses héritiers et au roi mérovingien Pépin, voir: . Comme dans l'image ci-jointe, toute la Gothie passa légitimement (légalement) Dynastiquement de Bernard I à ses héritiers, jusqu'à nos jours tout concrètement. Non seulement les rois ont protégé tous ces titres de la province, les ducs et les comtes n'ont jamais non plus renoncé à cette entité juridique connue sous le nom de Languedoc ni ne l'ont dissous en aucune façon. Leurs revendications de cet illustre décent ou renoncent à tout droit à cette entité. Tout cela était réglé depuis longtemps. Les choses ne sont devenues qu'un peu instables avec l'usurpation napoléenne pendant la Révolution française. Le Manifeste de Brunswick devait rendre au roi de France tous ses titres légitimes, ce que Napoléon refusa. Par conséquent, Brunswick a tenu toutes ses promesses, en tant que commandant en chef de toute la Prusse, commandant en chef de toute l'Autriche et commandant en chef (en temps de guerre) de la France de jure (comme accordé par le roi légitime de France. donnant à Brunswick l'autorité supplémentaire en France). Notez que Brunswick a également le titre vivant de prince de Göttingen (Gothie) en tant qu'héritage dynastique, qui reste une sous-principauté sous le duché de Brunswick et Lunenburg, avec ce même prince se classant plus haut (en temps de guerre) que les trois empereurs. Cela a commencé la guerre pour que le roi de France soit restauré sous tous les titres légitimes d'origine.


Quel grand héritage les Goths ont hérité de Raymond IV, le chef le plus puissant de la première croisade. 
Il fut le successeur de sang de la Maison Royale de Gothie comme «Princeps Gothiæ», et comme Comte de Toulouse, Duc de Narbonne et Margrave de Provence. Cependant, le titre de «Prince de Gothie» a été tenu plus en évidence par son père et son grand-père, ainsi que par ses arrière-arrière-grands-parents pendant de nombreuses générations. 

Lors de sa victoire libérant Jérusalem et les Byzantins,
Raymond s'est vu offrir la couronne du nouveau royaume de Jérusalem. Cependant, il refusa, car il hésitait à régner dans la ville dans laquelle Jésus avait souffert. Il a dit qu'il avait frissonné à l'idée d'être appelé «roi de Jérusalem». Il est également probable qu'il ait souhaité poursuivre le siège de Tripoli plutôt que de rester à Jérusalem. Cependant, il hésitait aussi à abandonner la tour de David à Jérusalem, qu'il avait prise après la chute de la ville, et ce n'est que difficilement que Godfrey de Bouillon put la lui reprendre.

Raymond a participé à la bataille d'Ascalon peu de temps après la prise de Jérusalem, au cours de laquelle une armée d'invasion d'Égypte a été vaincue. Cependant, Raymond voulait occuper Ascalon lui-même plutôt que de le donner à Godfrey, et dans la dispute qui en résulta, Ascalon resta inoccupé. Il ne fut pris par les croisés qu'en 1153. Godfrey lui reprocha également l'échec de son armée à capturer Arsuf. Quand Raymond est allé au nord, dans l'hiver de 1099–1100, son premier acte a été un acte d'hostilité contre Bohémond, capturant Laodicée de Bohémond, la renvoyant aux Byzantins.



Ces lignées royales de Wisigoths et d'Ostrogoths (dynasties Balti et Amali) ont été à nouveau rafraîchies dans le duc Otton IV de Brunswick, qui a été couronné empereur du Saint Empire romain sous les armoiries françaises de Brunswick et d'Aquitaine par le côté de sa mère (Mathilde). Les deux côtés de la famille de sa mère avaient des prétentions rivales à la succession du duché de Toulouse (Gothie). Ce blason de la France et de l'Angleterre reste aujourd'hui à Brunswick. Pour la plupart des branches de Brunswick, il est utilisé comme la version la plus ancienne avec deux lions et parfois avec un lion. Bien que certaines branches, y compris pendant un certain temps Otto IV, aient utilisé la version à trois lions.

Il est à noter que non seulement sa mère était un successeur rival de Toulouse Gothia, mais aussi un successeur du premier fondateur de la Maison des Templiers (Angevin / Anjou). Pendant une courte période, Otto IV fut l'héritier apparent de la maison fondatrice des Templiers, la noblesse angevine (Anjou) de France. Si aujourd'hui aucun des héritiers français ne reste connu de cette famille, tous sauf Brunswick. Cependant, la Maison de Brunswick rappelle rarement à la France ces droits. Un souvenir a été invoqué à l'époque de la guerre avec Napoléon. Cependant, en tant que commandant en chef des armées alliées prussiennes, autrichiennes et brunswickoises, il n'y avait qu'une offre d'assister le vrai roi français contre le socialisme violent de la Révolution française. L'offre visait principalement à protéger Son Altesse des abus, etc., comme tout souverain valide et juste devrait offrir. Cette offre fut de nouveau étendue à Napoléon III par un traité pour aider Brunswick à récupérer toutes les terres allemandes sous un même empire.

Ce templier angevin et toulousain (wisigoth) est venu en partie par l'intermédiaire de la femme d'Henri le Lion, Mathilde. Cependant, beaucoup plus de cela est venu par la propre succession de Henry de la maison des Billungs (Ostrogoths).

En tant que mère de l'empereur Otton IV, nous le reconnaissons, et le reste de ses frères étaient héritiers d'Angevin (Anjou), d'Aquitaine et de toute la France. Tant de revendications gothiques ont été ravivées dans Otto IV que ses successeurs ont légiféré pour utiliser le titre de prince de Göttingen / Gutingi. Cette branche française supplémentaire de son héritage maternel, les aggravait bien au-delà des revendications généalogiques des Amelung Billings et de la lignée guelfique jusqu'à Argotta et la maison la plus estimée des empereurs gothiques.


The Frankish Kings absorbed and took over a major Gothian title for the part of France now known today as Langudoc. Many know prince Raymond IV of Gothia and Toulouse led the biggest armies of the 1st Crusade (and that he was equal peer of the King of France). Ever since the Frankish prince Alberici married Argotta, the daughter of Theodemir Amalaus King of Gothia, the sister of Theodoric Amali King of Gothia & Italy, and had a son Duke VAUBERTUS (or Wambertus) the title stuck and is in the official histories. Thus making him not only Heir of Gothia via his mother, but also the Grandson of the Sicambrian-Ukrainian descended Davidic King Pharamond on his father’s side (an established link in old Gothia Crimea where they still use the Gothic runes in their liturgy, it’s more similar to Greek letters). It’s also indisputed that the next in succession Gothian son Arnoldus founded the line of which Charlemagne is descended. The Guelphs (Brunswick House) is descended from the Grandaughter of Arnoldus, Princess Gertrude.

Cette photocopie généalogique est tirée d'une réimpression de 1628 de Testamentum Magni, Regis Norvegiae, écrite pour la première fois en 1277; -Judicium de scriptis Gasparis Scioppii contre Johannem Vossium et Famianum Stradam; –De variis febrium generibus; –Praelectiones poeticae, 1674; –Conclusiones et decreta Papae et Concilii Hispanici secreti, anno 1615 incepti, et usque ad annum 1627 perducti. Latine. Chartaceus, sec. xvii Quarto [11.247] (tel qu'il est catalogué au British Museum).

Les généalogies, dans la mesure où elles se rapportent à ces questions officielles de souveraineté de nombreuses nations, ont été considérées comme l'une des informations les plus fiables qui aient jamais existé. Les nations alliées ont garanti cette intégrité dans les guerres pour protéger ces droits de succession généalogique, etc. Aujourd'hui, nous avons un droit international qui protège encore nos gouvernements en exil, couplé à plusieurs traités internationaux. Les généalogies peuvent être considérées comme certaines des informations les plus précises qui soient. La généalogie du Christ est également un exemple où les archives sont disponibles et ont été utilisées pour prouver un point. Maintenant, nous devrions aussi bien que cela se rapporte à la propriété chrétienne, et être un bon intendant de ce qu'Il a donné. Les généalogies d'Anderson, publiées en 1732, sont largement reconnues comme absolues. Comme publié ci-dessous, nous trouvons la ligne réitérée la ligne d'Argotta des rois Ostrogoth et son mariage avec Alberici, un prince des Francs. La «Mère de tous les rois de France» étant Argotta, nous avons même dans le nom lui-même tout un trésor de preuves pour une succession divine. La maison de Brunswick (Guelphs) étant de cette racine précoce. D'Este Guelph Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel-Oels, division principale,…


Balti Goth Dynasty (Imp Gothia)
Theodoric I Balthas of Visigoths

King of the Visigoths

Clodion, “le Chevelu”, King of France, son of Pharamond, King of France and Agotta, Queen, dau of Emperor Theodoric of Gothorum
Visigothic Princess Brunhilda + Sigebert I, King of Franks / Austrasia
Princess Chlodeswintha, dau of Sigebert & Brunhilda of Visigoths + Recaredo I King of the Visigoths
Bernardius Comte de Septimania, Margrave of Gothia, holding the independent allodial estates
Adalbertus, Duke of Alsatia (Alsace), son of Adalric, Duke of Alstatia, head of the Ethiconides, Major Domus of Allemania
Raymond IV, Prince of Gothia (Langudoc) Count of Toulouse, Provence and Narbone, peer/equal of the King of France. The head prince of the first Crusade, formed the earliest Knights Templar.
Matilda, Plantagenet & Angevin Princess of England, Normandy, Anjou, and Aquitaine, Head of Gothia Langudoc + Henry the Lion of Brunswick, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria
Emperor Otto IV, Duke of Brunswick, From 1196 was Duke of Aquitaine which covered most of France, incl Gothia / Langudoc, Was King Richard made him chief successor of the entire Angevin Empire(Britain, France, Jerusalem etc),  withheld by the competing Capet line. 1197 crowned King of Germany, also King of Burgundy, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor 1206
Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.



Ce sujet ne peut être laissé sans mentionner non seulement les titres de prince gothique, mais aussi les nombreux héritages de sang alloïdal des domaines impériaux des derniers empereurs de plusieurs des anciennes lignées qui sont passées à cette maison.

Tant de domaines alloïdiaux de familles impériales passèrent aux seuls héritiers mâles (Brunswick d'Este-Guelph). Ceci est un témoignage supplémentaire de ceci étant un grand don divin comme nous l'appelons toujours, «par la grâce de Dieu». A la même époque que la dynastie royale de la maison des Goths fut transmise avec succès et l'héritage par la maison de Brunswick à Henri le Lion d'Este-Guelph, fut le temps des successions impériales. Ces successions ont non seulement été de cette période de 900 après JC à 1200 avec l'empereur Otton IV de Brunswick, mais elles ont continué beaucoup plus loin.

En 1400, le duc Frédéric Wolfenbuettel-Brunswick fut élu empereur,

Dans les années 1600, la dernière lignée des Piasts a continué avec les Brunswick,

Au milieu des années 1700, un autre duc de Wolfenbuettel-Brunswick, Ivan VI, devint empereur de toute la Russie.

Il y avait déjà tant de lignées impériales (dont aucune des familles Habsbourg ou Prussiennes ne peut prétendre, car leur sang n'était que comtes, de maisons plus récentes). Cependant les parents et grands-parents d'Henri le Lion qui étaient des empereurs et ils ont transmis les droits du sang de l'Empire à cette lignée, au-dessus de tous les autres.

Alors que déjà la lignée avait droit aux royaumes les plus élevés (c'est-à-dire la grande Saxe originelle, le duché depuis l'époque d'Henri le Lion et des anciens rois de Saxe), elle était souvent refusée par les empereurs de facto. L'empereur Lothar III (parfois appelé Lothar II) de Supplingenburg a accordé au chef de l'époque de la Maison d'Este-Guelph, Henri le Fier, les lettres de créance complètes pour être l'empereur. Le règne impérial de Henry 1137-38 était «d'un océan à l'autre, du Danemark à la Sicile», comme l'avait vanté son évêque Otto von Feising.

L'édiction de la succession d'Henri par l'empereur Lothar a également élargi ses territoires et a inclus la transmission de l'insigne impérial (Reichskleinodien).

Cette succession avait été comprise pendant des décennies, et était les termes de tout le règne de Lothar, pour le soutien des plusieurs ducs provinciaux de Saxe. On raconte que ce soutien, même de son élection jusqu'à sa mort, n'avait été obtenu que par le mariage de la fille unique de l'empereur avec le fils d'Henry. L'empereur Lothar avait son unique enfant, Gertrude, marié au fils d'Henri le Noir, le fils d'Henri le Fier. Sans ce mariage, sa propre succession impériale n'aurait pas été reconnue par les nombreux ducs des domaines d'Henri.

From long before that time, up until today, the House of Brunswick has remained a the oldest living and most senior Imperial house of Germany(incl. beyond German borders), with an equal right to be elected to the throne of Emperor. This is of the original Reich of Charlemagne, under it’s laws which required unbiased voting for an Emperor that only holds that rank during war time. Afterwards is to go back as an equal prince. This mode was how Brunswick continued to operate, and was still often called to be commander-in-chief at times of great wars. The original order had been long usruped by the likes of the Hapsburgs and Prussians. From the inception of such illegal actions it has been met in the fields of battle and has continued even to this day, as shown in the existing treaty of Ham that the current head of House has rights to claim to exercise a right as Emperor of all German lands. The rights to all these estates have continued long since the Guelph and Ghibelline wars/rivalries, and the original stealing of 90% of the estate known as the Duchy of Saxony, of which is still contended for (from Eastphalia to Westphalia etc as the True Saxony borders) and is in the main coat of arms of the house (the coat of arms of the last King of Saxony). For much of the time this senior house has had wars with the current usurpers, Habsburg who have not done true valid elections, where all princes would have an equal chance to be Emperor. So the senior branch of (Wolfenbuettel)Brunswick refused to be electors, unlike the junior branch of (Hanover)Brunswick. Wolfenbuettel-Brunswick maintained seniority in the general college of princes. None of the college of princes nor the electors of the time would recognize Hanover’s illegal creation as a new elector(just to make more votes for Hapsburg, their only supporter). For much of the time till the destructions of Napoleon, the Brunswick’s held title of “Commander-in-Chief” over the entire Empire, a rank higher than the Kaiser in time of war. Multiple dukes held this title also during the war with Napoleon, as in previous centuries over the larger bodies of the Germanic nations. So in practice still the claim had remained somewhat recognized.

The Angevin territories (Britain, France and Jerusalem) were also inherited by the House of Brunswick, although has been in a rival dispute ongoing with the Capets. Several of the alloids of the House of Brunswick continue in the house as being older than the Carolingian Empire itself, still ongoing in a chief Imperial bloodline.

Brunswick-Gottingen (named after the Saxon King Witukind’s Danish wife and her line of Gothia Denmark-Sweden) was the allodial capital for the older Saxon Emperors of which the dukes of Brunswick descend. The transmission of the Imperial mantle continued from one Saxony duke to the next, Otto IV of Brunswick. Henry the Lion’s son, Otto IV von Brunswick also wore the Imperial insignia that was originally belonging to the house, when he was officially crowned Emperor, and recognized worldwide. There was one condition from the pope, that he would not retake the family’s possessions of Sicily. He broke that promise and for that reason was excommunicated, however the family from that day, till today has never abdicated this right and title of right to be Emperor, nor the titles that are most foundational of the Empire, as Europe’s oldest and most senior living Royal family (in legal international and prescriptive law).



Aujourd'hui (jusqu'en 1972) la maison dirigeante des Danois (Maison de Glucksburg) a utilisé le titre de roi des Goths.

Cette appellation de Gothia remonte à l'Antiquité. Toute la région là-bas, le Danemark et le sud de la Suède, a été appelée Gothia. Il y avait aussi une ventilation de ses propres Ostrogothia et Westrogothia, etc. Bien que ces frontières changeaient souvent, il était encore entendu que le nom général de la région était Gothia (et de nombreux historiens ont écrit Geats, les comparant avec Samogetia, et ces tribus autour de la Lettonie et dans les terres de Billunger vers l'ouest jusqu'aux environs de Luneburg).

The Swedish Goths and Danes were some of the greatest kindred allies of the House of Brunswick (especially loyal after Henry the Lion’s wars against various tyrannical German Emperors). Generation after generation of marriages continued with the Kiev Rus Vikings that were entertwined with the Danish Goth Royals.

One such marriage (Otto I the Child, to Princess Helena of the Danes) was contracted during the tumultuous period of the forced re-creation of Brunswick-Luneburg. Several gifts of the realm of Gothia were given from the King of Denmark to Otto. The re-creation of Brunswick however  was accomplished by a trickery when Duke Otto the child, under duress was forced to “voluntarily” part with the Dynastic realms of Greater Saxony, of Italy, and the eastern Goth lands such as Pomerania where all would be returned back as one fief of the Empire. In 1235 he was forced to rename his vast domains into a re-consolidated Dukedom of Brunswick-Luneburg. Many have eroneously reported that this limited the domains of Brunswick. While it may appear limiting on it’s face, this was only as it stood within the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) jurisdiction, while Brunswick continued itself as an Empire across the continent. It was common that Dukedoms operated as the highest form of an Empire in parallel to the HRE, as other ducal Monarchies operated, such as the “Hapsburg Empire” with numerous subordinate principalities and other vassals. Hapsburg, like other houses of great Empires, had no higher rank than Dukes in the HRE (as dukes were higher than princes in German law). For Brunswick this claim was just as great, and arguably continued on greater than Austria in many respects. The post-1235 domains included several principalities, and succession rights in at far corners of the continent, with all states continuing their subordinations and loyalties as vassals of his house.

The Luneburg house (subordinent principality and alloid of the Dukedom) is most well known as a descendant branch of the House of Gothia. It is so visibly near to the region that is known to the name Gothaland, and holds the same coat of arms of that land as the primary shields of Brunswick-Luneburg.

The coat of arms for the Luneburg principality itself bears witness, with the design of the blue lion and hearts having it’s history as the main arms of Scandinavian Gothia, also while it was the primary house of the Kiev-Rus. Smaller provinces of Gothia would have less than 3 Swedish or Danish lions. We see this heraldry reflective in states also under subordination of Brunswick, such as Holstein, and from which the family descends in Schleswig and Glucksburg. This unmistakable symbol of the Gothis region of Scandinavia is the Blue Lion on the golden background, with the red hearts.

Genealogies tied to the arms are also most forthcoming within the house of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick and it’s ancestors.

A major Gothian line of Brunswick goes back to Wulhild of Saxony, the daughter of Olaf II, King of Norway. Her mother was of the Royal House of Gothia. A chart has been put together as follows:


Yngling Dynasty (Emperors/Kings of Scandinavian Gothenland)
Froda or Frey called Yngve
Gotharus Ottar Vendelkråka
Erik VIII the Victorius, King of Sweden

+Sigrid, Queen of all Gothenland, dau of Viking Skoglar Tosti (and Mother of Knut the Great)

Olaus Skötkonung

King of Gothia

Astrid Olofsdotter, Princess of Gothia

+ King Olaf II Harldsson of Norway Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae

Wulfhild of Gothia, Sweden and Norway + Ordulf Billung of Saxony
Emperor Henry the Proud of Brunswick, Ruled the Baltic to Sicily
William of Winchester, son of Henry the Lion. Brother of Emperor Otto IV, Duke of Brunswick, King of Germany, Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
Otto the Child, successor of Brunswick, in Denmark was made count of Garding and Thetesbüll in Schleswig Holstein as a Danish prince through his mother Helena Regent, princess and duchess + Ascanian Mechtild/Matilda of Brandenburg Ascanian Billunger Saxony
Emperor Frederick I Duke of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Crowned King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.

Otto the Child himself was descendant of this branch of Gothia, and of the Kiev Rus, and of the French Visigoth branches. Then his mother being the Danish princess gained him more rank in Gothia. He went in league with his uncle Valdemar II, King of Denmark. For his mutual support in war, Otto was made a Count of Schleswig (Sweden/Denmark Gothia).

Otto the Child’s mother was herself born into the Danish Royal house, long ruling the primary region of Gothia. Her father was King Valdemar I of Denmark, who was the son of Canute Lavard, Duke of Schleswig and his mother was Ingeborg of Kiev(daughter of Grand Prince Mstislav I of Kiev and Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden).

So the House of Brunswick also has this interesting Viking-Goth background of their ancestress, Helena of Denmark (a Duchess of Brunswick-Luneburg). Not only her paternal line was impressive, but also her maternal line: her mother was Sophia of Minsk, of the Rurikid Dynasty, as daughter of Volodar of Minsk and Richeza of Poland.

This is where half of the coat of arms of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick comes from, the living Royal and Imperial House of Germany (cadet successor branch of 1935, a de jure house in exile).



Sans doute l'un des plus anciens, mais l'un des plus récents à utiliser le titre de «Prince de Gothie» a été en Crimée. Il convient de noter que les Guelfes ont depuis longtemps des représentants nobles à la cour de Gothia à Caffa. C'était à travers les périodes Caffa faisait partie des colonies de Gênes, la république guléphique.

La croix héraldique de Guelph étant une Croix-Rouge sur fond blanc n'était pas seulement les armoiries de Gênes, mais elle peut être trouvée sur les armoiries civiques de villes traditionnellement guelfes comme Milan, Vercelli, Alessandria, Padoue, Reggio et Bologne.
Certains individus et familles ont indiqué leur appartenance à une faction dans leurs armoiries en incluant un chef approprié: les Guelfes avaient un capo d'Angio ou «chef d'Anjou», des fleurs de lys en or sur un fond bleu, avec une étiquette héraldique rouge "

Les boucliers de la ville sont un témoin de l'histoire des luttes passées entre les villes alignées Guelph (Templier) et Ghibelline (Hospitalière). Chacun ayant le bouclier inversé de la croix. Ces deux factions impériales en guerre étaient de grands rivaux pour le trône impérial du Saint Empire romain germanique.

Alors que divers papes ont déclaré près d'une douzaine de croisades contre les Turcs, en particulier à Caffa Crimée, très peu ont répondu à l'appel. Dans le livre «Les colonies de Gênes dans la région de la mer Noire», par Khvalkov, page 225, il est dit qu'à l'évêché de Caffa, Gothia, que les Guelfes étaient considérés comme des nobles et maintenaient un noble représentant de Guelph en Crimée, mais pour Ghibelline (ou autre Vénitien), il ne les mentionne pas comme des représentants Nobles.

Aujourd'hui, les branches cadets juniors d'Este dominent dans cette région de l'Italie. Cependant, la succursale principale d'Este Guelph est Brunswick Wolfenbuettel. Ceci est resté une revendication perpétuelle de la maison, reconnue par toutes les parties.

Cette même maison avait déposé des pétitions auprès des ambassades de Russie et d'Ukraine pour un accord de paix avant que trop d'effusion de sang ne se produise lors des manifestations de maidan et nationalistes de Kiev de 2013 à 2014. La proposition de paix originale comprenait les conditions de placer la Crimée sous le contrôle de la Maison de Nott-Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel. Dans le document, la principale revendication du droit de vote ukrainien était dans le fait que le côté Nott de la famille a plusieurs lignes à la maison fondatrice d'origine de la noblesse de Kiev Rus. L'une de ces lignes était documentée dans la correspondance.

La maison de Brunswick reste également liée aux successions des princes évêques de Crimée-Gothie. Cela comprend l'actuel archevêque de Gothie en Crimée et leurs divers diocèses.

+ Ambrose von Sievers, du Métropolite de Gothia est un évêque de la véritable église orthodoxe (église russe des catacombes). C'est l'Église successive qui a échappé aux persécutions des bolcheviks et de leurs agents successifs. Son église est considérée dans certains cercles comme non canonique en raison de son refus de se soumettre à l'église installée du KGB. Comme l'évêque Andrewite évadé a consacré canoniquement + Ambrose, on pense donc que l'église des Goths est vraiment canonique contrairement à de nombreuses autres juridictions. Cependant, les persécutions se sont poursuivies, car le clergé a été attaqué et tué au cours des deux dernières générations. 


Russia Imperial Dynasty
(Kiev-Rus, Rurik and Romanov Dynasties)
Rurik I of Kiev, Igor de Kiev, grand-duc de Kiev, father of Sviatoslav I Igorevich de Kiev, father of  Vladimir I the Great, Grand Prince of Kiev Rus +  Rogneda of Polotsk, princess of  Västergötland(Gothia), Sweden, father of Yaroslav I, the Wise Grand Prince of Kiev
Yaroslav I G.P. of Kiev Rus + Ingegerd of Gothia dau of Olaus Skötkonung, King of Sweden, father of Vsevolod I de Kiev, father of Vladimir II Monomaque de Kiev, father of Juri Dolgorouki de Kiev, father of Vsevolod III de Kiev
Yaroslav II, (Iaroslav II Fedor Vsevolodich de Kiev), grand-duc de Kiev (1236-1238), grand-duc de Vladimir (1238-1246), prince de Novgorod and Pereyaslavl
Grand Princes of Kiev, Moscow and Novgorod, Aleksandr Iaroslavich de Kiev, father of Daniel Aleksandrovich de Kiev, father of Ivan I Danilovich
Ivan I de Kiev, Ivan II, Dimitri IV, Ivan III all Grand Princes of Moscow (each primarily Princes or Grand Dukes of Kiev and Moscow, some of Novgorod)
Emperor Ivan IV the Terrible, Grand Duke, Prince of Kiev, Tsar of All Russians
Patriarch Filaret of Moscow, father of Tsar Michael I Romanov
Emperor Michael I (First Romanov Emperor), Tsar of Russia
Emperor Aleksey (Alexis I) Mikhaylovich, firstborn son of Tsar Michael I
Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia, firstborn son of Emperor Peter I the Great, Tsar of Russia + Empress Charlotte von Wolfenbüttel
Emperor Ivan Ivanovitch de Kiev (Ivan V)
Tsar of Russia, son of Ivan the Terrible IV of Kiev and Anastasia Romanova Zakharina
Empress Catherine Ivanovna Romanova, daughter of Ivan V, the Mother of Grand Duchess Anna Leopoldovna of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Regent of Russia during her son Ivan VI’s reign. Grand Duchess Anna was the last of the line of the primogeniture line of Ivan V
Anna Leopoldovna of Russia, lawful heir, designated per house law and Russian law. Also being being the senior descendant of Ivan V. Married Duke Anthony Ulrich of Brunswick
Emperor Ivan VI von Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick, Tsar of Russia, sole heir son of the Ivan V (senior) branch of the Romanov’s, competing with the cadet branch descended of Peter I, the French paid coup, usurped the house in violation of the house primogeniture law and the succession law of Peter I, that the Monarch designates the Heir who will succeed.
Duke Louis of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, Elder Uncle of Emperor Ivan VI espoused to Empress Elizabeth of Russia while Duke of Courland,
and rightful heir at law, by official law of Russia. Remained Austrian field-marshal, Protestant Generalfeldzeugmeister of the Holy
Roman Empire, Commander-in-Chief of  Wolfenbüttel, the Regent and Commander-in-Chief of the Netherlands at ‘s-Hertogenbosch, protector of 3 generations of Monarchs at the Hague, unifying the “Groot Nederland” provinces, Noord Brabant etc.
Brunswick remained peer of Russia. co-protections remained with all Russian Monarchs. According to the primogeniture succession law 1797 re-established by Paul I of Russia, the Senior house of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick are rightful heirs in Russian (and Dynastic, and international) law…
The last reigning de facto and de jure duke of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick Charles II, was Nephew of the reigning Tsar of Russia, the Emperor attended the major family events.
Wolfenbüttel Mini-Emperors. The ‘elder-branch’ Successors continually Emperors of states across the continent with continued Military rank higher than Emperor as Commander-in-Chief of Prussia, Austria, Poland, France, Senior branch over Hanover etc. Cont’d claim of estates linked with the “greater domains”.
Brunswick remained peer of Russia. co-protections remained with all Russian Monarchs. According to the primogeniture succession law 1797 re-established by Paul I of Russia, the Senior house of Wolfenbüttel-Brunswick are rightful heirs in Russian (and Dynastic, and international) law…

By numerous guarantees of Russian law, Russian Dynastic law, and Brunswick Dynastic law, and intl. treaties, these Russian estate titles of Romanov-Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick passed to the head duke of Brunswick in 1764. Charles I of Brunswick had multiple sons fighting against the illegal Russian regime in the wars that followed the murder of de jure and de facto Emperor Ivan VI von Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick in 1764.

The last reigning de facto and de jure duke of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick Charles II, was Nephew of the reigning Tsar of Russia. In multiple edicts placed death penalties on those who sought to divide his primogeniture hereditary estates, including those outside of mainland Europe.

de jure princes of Wolfenbuttel Brunswick (from Ulric de Civry Wolfenbuttel forwards) include the cadet branch of the natural family that were not divorced from the natural family in edicts of Charles II.



le Piast successor lines of Brunswick culminated also in the Royalty of Hungary who were the house of Angevin. The then successive rulers had claims in the realms of Transylvania, Wallachia, Moldova, and other original alloids of the Goth Nobility.

A senior Polish prince Vladislaus II had become King of Bohemia, and after having succeeded Matthias Corvinus in 1490, he also reigned as King of Hungary. Although King of Hungary, still Silesia and Moravia was retained in the hands and titles of the Corvinus family.

This line of Piasts, descendant of the Polish, Hungarian and Angevin Imperial lines, had passed down the succession of the house with the successors of Munsterberg, in Wurtemberg-Oels for Centuries. Finally when that (Württemberg) male line became extinct in 1792, it went as per the original Piast House law, that the Piast inheritance can pass by choice, and by female branches. So it passed to the last daughter and heiress Sophia Frederica Charlotte, to her husband, who upon his death passed it to his Heir, Duke Frederick William of Brunswick, from whence has continually been in the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel which do this day maintains a valid status in international law as a de jure principality of the Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel-Oels government in exile.

This Silesian (and Griffin) Piast family name of Oels and coat of arms are continually used by the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, as the chief bloodline heirs of this branch. The heirship continued although there have been many occupations, including by Prussia. The occupations and usurpations have always been met with the strong legal protests, affirming the estates remain for the heirs pursuant to public, dynastic house law, treaty and international law.

The most Piast bloodlines, more than any other house culminated in the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick. The only blood heir, and also the last Piast alloid principality in possession of any other monarch is known as “Oelsnica” (also the last residence of the sovereign Prussian Kaiser, during the occupation of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick). It is retained with perpetual claim, and is used in the family name and coat of arms. Therefore several de jure sovereignty rights are preserved for Poland’s oldest Royal House and domains. The House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick (and by the House of Saxony) continues to maintain these basic requirements in international law.

One Piast line that founded the present bloodline of the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick more here:

Piast Imperial Dynasty (Silesian Piast Alloids and Ascanian Pomerania)
Bolesław I the Brave, King of Poland, Ruling Duke of Bohemia
Bolesław III Wrymouth Duke of Poland Silesian Piasts, Elder Branch of Piasts
Konrad I of Masovia, High Duke of Poland
Emperor Casimir III the Great, King of Poland, King of Russia
Emperor Louis I, King of Hungary and Croatia, King of Poland. House of Anjou(Father) and Piast (Mother)
Queen Jadwiga of Poland Piast – Anjou, Princess of Hungary, Grand Duchess of Lithuania, founding the Polish Lithuanian Monarchy
Philip II, Duke of Pomerania-Stettin (Griffin Piast and Wolfenbüttel)
Henry V of Wolfenbuttel, son of Henry IV and Griffin Piast Katerina of Pomerania

+ Sophia Jagiellon, Regent of Jerusalem, Duchess of Wolfenbüttel.

George IV William, last male of the “elder branch” Silesian Piasts
Clara Maria, Duchess of Pomerania, dau of Clara of Brunswick-Lüneburg, last Griffin Piast

Royal Marriage to Duke August II, of Wolfenbüttel, founder of senior branch Brunswick Wolfenbüttel



A full chart of the Imperial lines of Dynastic succession (with several ongoing living estates and domains) is available. This presents what is supported in accepted international laws of recognition, in the family Dynastic laws concerned, in several aspects of international law and rules of prescription etc. More is available upon request by writing to or within the book now available on request from ou alors (copyright 2008-present).

The membership communities of the Gothian Empire have a strong cultural and ethnic basis whose people lost their right of self-determination and freedom of association for some time. The Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies offers the support we have in Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit helps this neglected people to find a higher sense of value, above that which the present world system offers. Our historic areas, our institutions, and aspects of our culture still bear their names of their Gothic origins today. The Bible tells us “look to the rock from whence you were hewn”. We find much encouragement as we trace the cultural heritage out to see God fulfiling the destiny of His covenant Christian people. Many of the surrounding studies of this House and parallel order, including our House Orders, and Templar Order, is found on our blogspot. The maps of the Gothia parallel Empire states is available on request, but much information is privileged for members only. A first step would be to fill in an application at and begin your mission to greater inner peace and satisfaction, through the encouragement of all God has provided to the body of Christ (His people) and their continuing order for their own people (religious, spiritual, priestly and royal).


PRINCE STEPHEN, ANOINTED AS A KING (of one jurisdiction of the many Goths’ states) OF THE GOTHS AT A BERLIN CEREMONY IN 2015

At a ceremony held by the Orthodox Church Western Rite Metropolia at Berlin, Stephen d’Guelph Brunswick was anointed as a titular King of the Goths(only one of many local Gothia jurisdictions), as an Emperor Elect, and as a Prince-Elector (an equal Elector on the Gothian Empire) high prince of his local jurisdiction (Benelux), at the formation and constitution signing for the re-founding of this order.

Other jurisdictions of the Goths also have (as demonstrated) had their own Kings of Goths at their local region. As Electors these titles may vary but are typically “Prince-Elector” and may hold dual local titles. In this case as a Brunswick heir of the local jurisdiction for the church which included various tribes, such as the Burgundian Goths. His forefather Otto IV von Brunswick was also King of Burgundy. So this title was most appropriately placed for this particular jurisdiction of Goths (at Benelux) and put into the founding charter documents co-signed by six other Imperial Electors. The election was set 10 years prior in official documents. The rank of Emperor can only become effective when there are twelve aethelings electing him (voting) for his rotation to head a true Germanic Imperial Diet. This is the ancient way which always ran parallel to the Holy Roman Empire.

Heirs of other Gothian States who can claim some form of de facto or de jure inheritance are also welcome to join our wider tribal order. The traditional and cultural representation of our Gothian States is in vital need of rekindling. The cultural representation in Brunswick, spanning more than 1,000 years is one valuable aspect of our order. The states include regions anywhere in the world where there is some kinship to the tribes of the Goths. As Brunswick has held a flag in most corners of the earth, including Australia, Canada, South Africa, etc, the tribe’s representation may be lacking. This ceremonial order for the local region may help booster morale and encourage more development of our cultural Christian civilization. The working together and having our own system and economy is important for our future success as a smaller tribal people.

The Templar of Gothia jurisdictions was then founded as an independent Order. Each Imperial Elector was automatically made a Grand Commander of their local jurisdiction. Gothia jurisdiction is not required to join the Templar but it is one of many options. Such as the Brunswick Order of Templar Portugal’s order etc. If it’s not with a Royal protector that has true sovereignty, then we can’t fully endorse them as knights, but would offer to integrate them into either order to gain this valuable level of Royal protection of international sovereignty within the Brunswick jurisdiction ou alors Gothia jurisdiction.

militie templi iurisdictiones gothorum imperii

Knights Templar of Gothia. As established by the Prince of Gothia in 1099 under his kinsmen, the first 11 Angevin Kings of Jerusalem, and consecrated between hands of the Patriarchs of Constantinople and Jerusalem. Inherited by Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, represented by Imperial Knights of Gothia, in allegiance to the Dynastic Heirs of the Angevin and Gothian House. With the aim to advance the Christian religion, restoring Jerusalem, and protecting our pilgrims as they worship at our holy sites.


Sceaux empereurs ottoniens (utilisés aujourd'hui dans l'héraldique de Brunswick)

Sceaux d'Otton IV de Brunswick 

Duc Otton de Brunswick, empereur du Saint Empire romain germanique


Empereur russe Ivan VI Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel-Romanov 

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