Ministerial Office Chronology of Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. d’Guelph Brunswick ThD PhD.

Répandre l'amour

Our Current Primace Elected 2015-Present

Église orthodoxe des Culdees

Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. d’Guelph Brunswick ThD, PhD.

(Les grandes lignes de la succession apostolique ci-dessous)

The inspirational life testimony of ++ Stephen is a larger topic, however here are the main ministry events in the Orthodox Church of the Culdees in as chronological with some subheadings.

A Minister holding several Canonical, Traditional and Legal succession credentials in the Ecclesiastical and Royal ranks of Celtic and Kindred jurisdictions.


His Ministerial Office Chronology

(Note: While initially being baptized Roman Catholic as an infant in 1978, the family reverted to Evangelical and Protestant churches in the 1980’s. However his educational upbringing remained primarily in Lutheran schools.)

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 1990, à l'âge de 12 ans, + Stephen est d'abord passé sous le tutelle of +Bishop Pastor Leroy Crouch of Restoration Ministries. Crouch being of Celtic Davidic background, kept the Culdee Scottish documents posted in the Sanctuary for all to read.  The community kept a portion of the Celtic liturgy. He was a primary teacher of the Melchizedek Order, in several theology series. The Pastor was a Spiritual father to Stephen, who could visit his offices any time, as his own school campus (where Stephen’s Parents were the landlord and school officials). Crouch was a speaker at numerous Ministries that included America’s Promise conferences. He made several advanced theology series that were recorded at such conferences and at Restoration Ministries.

In the year of our Lord, 1999, Pastor Crouch nominated +Stephen to the office of Associate Pastor. Confirmation to office did not happen till 2000. +Stephen was highlighted in the Obituary as an honored student of Crouch, and gave part of his eulogy at the funeral.

Dans l'année de notre Seigneur, 2000, after 8 years active as a layman in the Culdees’ church at Orange(Restoration Ministries), and three years of a concentrated study +Stephen was officially anointed and ordained as a Prêtre et Évangéliste par + Mgr Lesley Boyle, Pasteur adjoint de feu Mgr Pastor Crouch.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2003, + Stephen est devenu un Aumônier for several local community organizations including for the Imperial Order of Knights, performing weddings, baptisms, communion, and other church services.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2003, Il a été fait Directeur de les racines celtes Bookshop(used at Scottish / Celtic Clan festivals), owned by Dr. Warren Johnson. From 2002 +Stephen was recognized as a Savant par le Dr Johnson et d'autres membres du conseil d'administration de l'American Institute of Theology qui ont publié ses travaux sur la théologie exégétique dans le didacticiel avancé du séminaire de la Division occidentale. A servi comme conférencier régulier et professeur honoraire.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2003, + Mgr Wesley Perkins et + Mgr Lesley Boyle ont consacré Stephen Évêque de l'église, ayant la supervision de plusieurs assemblées dans les comtés d'Orange County, San Bernardino et Riverside.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2004, +Stephen begun occupations of the estates and domains in Europe that were inherited by law as belonging to George d’Guelph Brunswick Nott, in succession of our Great Uncle Ulric d’Este Guelph Brunswick, who fought against the illegal occupations of Hanover and Prussia. All in accordance with numerous treaties and house laws on the method of transmitting the inheritance and taking possession.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2004, +Stephen became Evangelist to Europe et representative Bishop for the European branch of the Christ’s Assembly Worldwide, attending the annual synod (council of bishops).

In the year of our Lord, 2005, +Stephen established the “Good News of the Kingdom” Radio show as co-host with Pastor Boyle. This continued till 2014 with 450 sermons. Regular broadcasts are continued under “the Brunswickers” youtube channel till this day.

In the year of our Lord, 2006, +Stephen began a cooperation of Culdee institutes under His Eminence Abbot Dr David Michael Smith, Abbot General of the Culdee Order, Grand Master of the Templar Order of the Gate.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2007, +Stephen was issued a provisional charter by the Abbot General of the Culdee Order to form a Culdean Mission (and Abbey) at the South of the Netherlands. This was more of a recognition, co-participating in events. For a time he served as Abbot of Barendrecht Abbey, Zuid Holland. His Abbey and wider Celtic Church ministry (ongoing since 2000) delivered priestly services to the remnant and other outcasts of true Israel in dispersion, in pockets of Europe and the UK. Several newsletters highlighted his “2010 Pilgrimage Crusade” to “Reclaim the Ecclesiastical Rights of Glastonbury”, and leading festival services for various congregations. The primacy in the Culdees in Europe had been won back from various pagan imposters. Membership in this Celtic communion grew from various countries, including Germany, South Africa, Ukraine, Italy, France, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and England.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2009, + Mgr Wesley Perkins et + Mgr Lesley Boyle ordonnés + Mgr Stephen comme Évêque aux Pays-Bas(overseeing multiple congregations), and jointly signed a lettre de référence pour son éventuelle élection en tant qu'archevêque de la juridiction du BENELUX, au conseil épiscopal de l'Assemblée du Christ. Certificat d'ordination a également été reçu.

In the year of our Lord, 2009, The Heraldic Community of Westphalia registered the Nott Coat of Arms with Bishops’ Consecration award, adorning the 14th Century Dynastic house arms.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2009, +Stephen Michael was elevated to Crown Prince of the Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick principality, as His Serene Highness as Heir-at-law to George d’Guelph Brunswick Nott. As representative, exchanged award medals at the Ducal Guard ceremony held at Brunswick Germany in sight of 4,000 spectators. In 2009 HMSH launched the copyrighted websites, etc to distribute our Dynastic Claim book and the Documentary DVD “Throne Stolen but Not Lost” as produced by Galatia Films LLC.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2010, + Stephen Michael est devenu Lord Prieur de Glastonbury, leading locals in the liturgy. He is heir to the last Royally approved wardens of Glastonbury. After the long dedicated ministry service, this rank was confirmed by Culdean (including Anglican, Scottish and Irish church) Clerics at Glastonbury. This was the year the Catholic church stopped doing processions at Glastonbury. To fill in, right on time, +Stephen led a banner procession to the Tor, with a musical procession. Prayers of consecration info office were administered. A film crew from Galatia films kept a record for a possible future documentary. Installment of the church banner at the Tor was photographed and published in several newsletters. A meeting of about 30 persons applauded at this event. The headlines read: “reclaiming Glastonbury”. These meetings were also photographed and published.

In the year of our Lord, 2011, together with blessings of the successors of Restoration Ministries, les Prieuré de Salem was consecrated (for our Royal Priesthood under Christ the King of kings). The ceremony was officiated by Rev Stephen Michael K.B. at Samuel’s Great High Place at Gibeon (Jerusalem Israel) where Moses’ tabernacle rested. The consecration was during the High Holy day of the Feast of Passover after the Holy Communion. The service was held live by teleconference at a farm which is near the top of the highest mountain (at Gibeon) overlooking Jerusalem.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2013, l'archevêque de Berlin et le chancelier de l'Église catholique orthodoxe américaine et d'autres évêques ont reconnu le statut de l'Église culdéenne, notre ancienneté, la préséance celtique parmi les Églises occidentales et la pleine autonomie. Ils nous ont également donné la permission de servir leurs églises. C'était un officiel lettre de reconnaissance et de communion entre l'OCC et l'AOCC, avec un référence de notre bonne coopération dans le ministère depuis plus de cinq ans.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2015, +Stephen was consecrated as Primace (Lead Bishop/Archbishop) and anointed with stamped recognitions by three Archbishops, recognized in writing and in the anointing ceremony as head of multiple jurisdictional titles of Nobility within the church and within the Dukedom Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick (as a German elder Dukedom, several member principalities remain resident subordinate). Multiple Knights were also invested at the event. The Archbishop of Berlin, +Peter Becker OSB (primary consecrating Bishop) and the Archbishop +Blake Allan Hammacher OSB (assisting Bishop), did canonically consecrate +Stephen as Archevêque de l'archidiocèse de l'AOCC des Pays-Bas et des basses terres (Benelux) with the contractual conditions of full autonomy of the Orthodox Culdean Church. Both Bishops being Order of Saint Benedict.


The assisting Archbishop +Ambrose von Sievers, Catacomb Church of True Orthodox Christians, provided a certificate of reintegration with the Orthodox Church, and formally recognized +Archbishop(or Primace) Stephen Michael d’Guelph Prince of Brunswick, of the Culdee’s church, et (titulaire) Archevêque de Glastonbury.

The day of the consecration was a day of ecclesiastical revolution in the Netherlands. Interested parties may inquire on the successful activities published in the Newspaper that day.

Semestriellement +Stephen continues since 2010 meeting and maintaining services with the Glastonbury Clerics and others involved in ministry to the local people (and pilgrims). Some work full time in ministry, some in music, some in performing the Divine liturgies, and others in writing and distributing literature part time.

In the year of our Lord, 2016-present, +Stephen became Sovereign Ducal Protector for the investiture ceremonies for Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick jurisdictions of the Knights Templar.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2017, +Stephen was awarded with a Doctorate of Divinity. As with tradition of ordinations, the Professor Becker from the same Lutheran Institute of St Peter and St Paul, referred him along with the references to the school’s headmaster. So +Stephen may use in His style as Doctor (one of three). (Although titles aren’t his wish, simply “brother” or fellow minister are enough, some may address him as Rev Doctor or the Primace within the OCC communion.)

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2017, +Stephen completed his Doctoral Thesis on the Celtic Church, and submitted it to the Lutheran Institute St Peter and St Paul, and was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Theology (or ThD).

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2019, HMSH, Rev Dr Stephen M.K. Brunswick re-launched the audio courses of the late Bishop Pastor Crouch through the Priory of Salem at Missouri and via the Youtube channel.

En l'année de notre Seigneur, 2020, HMSH, Rev Dr Stephen M.K. Brunswick established the Ministry of St. Andrew’s and St. Joseph’s at Dixieland Rd, Arkansas.

In the year of our Lord, 2021, HMSH, Rev Dr Stephen M.K. Brunswick graduated from the Baptist School of Biblical & Theological Studies with the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, emphasis in Religious Education (or PhD).

In the year of our Lord, 2022, HMSH Rev Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick has completed the legal required succession paperwork covering eight legal methods for the accession to the Chiefship of the Royal House of Este-Guelph, for the Sovereign Dukedom of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick and Wolfenbuttel-Luneburg while retaining his lawful status as the Royal-priest head (summus episcopus) of the Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick church. The completion of these additional legalities came through the coursework of the earned Certificates in International Law and International Arbitration from two major accredited Universities in the EU.

Note: In some jurisdictions of co-ministry the office is called primace. In Germany it’s Landesbischof  (traditionally “summus episcopus”) as consecrated at Berlin as de jure prince-bishop of the de jure titular entity of Wolfenbuttel Brunswick.

Voici quelques-unes des lignes sacerdotales qui sont reconnues dans les cercles orthodoxes de la chrétienté (Orient et Occident). Ces lignes se connectent en succession directe depuis les saints apôtres, dans une cérémonie de consécration de l'onction et de l'imposition des mains.

En tant qu'évêque en visite dans une juridiction étrangère, il est d'usage qu'une reconsécration soit effectuée pour confirmer la validité des sacrements au sein de ces congrégations.

Alors que certains pensent que ces consécrations ne sont pas nécessaires, plusieurs universités du monde entier les considèrent comme une exigence pour quiconque agit dans le service sacerdotal. L'église anglaise, et de nombreuses autres églises qui ne sont pas sous la structure de Rome, ont décidé de conserver la succession épiscopale. Cela couvre toutes les reconnaissances internationales, car il dit que l'Église anglaise a «conservé son épiscopat, mais pas comme du pape Grégoire, qui a envoyé le moine Augustin ici, mais de Joseph d'Arimathie». Cela va de pair avec un rétablissement et une reconnaissance plus larges au sein de l'Église orthodoxe orientale (La véritable Église orthodoxe, qui a échappé aux massacres bolcheviques en vivant dans les catacombes, église AKA Catacomb. En accord avec les canons de l'église russe d'origine, conserver Sabbat le samedi.)

[Note spéciale sur le sabbat:La Didascalia des apôtres a été considérée comme canonique dans la plupart des pays orthodoxes, et en elle le sabbat est le samedi et il est appelé un jour de repos et d'adoration. Dans le Stoglav, un manuscrit officiel de l'Église orthodoxe russe, daté de l'année 1556, et contenant des documents du Conseil de Moscou sous le règne d'Ivan IV (1531-1584), contient un chapitre sur le sabbat:
“By the Authority of Peter and Paul, we command to the people to work during the week. But on Subota (Sabbath) and on Nedelja (Sunday) let them worship in the Church and pray, and let them learn something for the sake of good faith. The Subota is the image of the whole creation, while the Nedelja is the day of the resurrection.” Read more in the book published by His Eminence ++Rev Dr Stephen M.K. Brunswick, Primace ,OCC, “Honorer le sabbat dans l'Église orthodoxe“.]

[In Short: + Stephen Michael (Nott-Brunswick) was consecrated with multiple titular anointings on February 7e, 2015. A main anointing that has been functional for a time was Archbishop of Glastonbury. The main duties are as the international Primace of the Culdees’ Church, and Prior over a school of seven. Although these callings in the Celtic church come from a hereditary birthright of the O’Neill line, and as “sons of the prophets”, as well as by calling and anointing from God firstly, these offices were confirmed by three Orthodox Archbishops of valid Apostolic Succession in right standing within our communion. These assisting Bishops were under multiple contracts not interfering with the independence of the Culdees’ jurisdictions, but in mutual help to our schools, removing doubts regarding canonicity and recognizing each other per the canons of the Orthodox faith, for the expansion of services to the local peoples.  Note, although this title of Archbishop is named in the papers provided, the Culdees use the word Primace to describe the same. Glastonbury would use not a Bishop title, but of a Lord Prior or Abbot, as this historically hereditary station was among many Culdee hereditary stations held by Lord Prior John Nott as the last formally recognized Abbott of the original Glastonbury that was destroyed by Henry VIII.]