Robust Peace Plan of Ukrainian Nationalists, Intermarium or 3 Seas Initiative THE NON-NATO AND NON-RUSSIAN PEACE IN EASTERN EUROPE from Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, ThD, PhD Priory of Salem, […]
Etykietka: Ukraina
Rep. Wolfenbuttel-Romanov Speaks on Repelling the Red Invasion
Guelph Imperial Italian/German/French: DNA Match of the Royal Capetian Line of Nott-Brunswick
GOG MAGOG Evil Red Coalition: NATO bows to the Communist weighted UN Security Council
The NATO Treaty Article 2, 5 and 7 all point to NATO not being able to move unless the UN Security Council (permanently staffed by China and Russia) gives them […]
House of Brunswick European Imperial Restoration Gains Popularity in Germany, France, Poland and Ukraine
This week thousands of German Nationalists and French Nationalists have been talking about the restoration of the rightful Monarchy. The main article that has exploded in visits and shares online […]
Biden wants to bring America to war with Russia, then conveniently get ill and hand over the job as CIC to Kamalla
Biden wants to bring America to war with Russia, then conveniently get ill and hand over the job as CIC to Kamalla. Everyone is ready for Kamalla Harris to lead […]
Ukraine Crimea rights discussion. Brunswick Romanov Imperial duties
Ukraine Crimea rights discussion. Brunswick Romanov Imperial duties A short discussion from the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick on the true Imperial of the House successors of the lawful senior branch of […]
Intermarium Hope for a Central/East European Regional Power, Speech from Estonian Parliament Foreign Affairs
From the Office of HMSH Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, Head Prince of the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick, Primace St Andrew’s O.C.C. If you’re for European unity and solidarity you may […]
Izraelitskie pochodzenie Scytów autorstwa Stevena M. Collinsa
THE ISRAELITE ORIGIN OF THE SCYTHIANS BY STEVEN M. COLLINS INTRODUCTION: The ten tribes of Israel essentially vanished from their former Kingdom of Israel by circa 721 BC. They had […]
Hełmy wikingów (Gotów) w naszych germańskich herbach (szczególnie Brunszwik)
Połączenie plemienia Goth Battleaxe z Danem, Proroctwo, Pismo Święte o tożsamości prawdziwego Królestwa Izraela
Setki starszych niemieckich artefaktów runicznych demonstrują pokrewieństwo Scytyjskich Gotów w krajach Wikingów i Saksonów, bezpośrednio powiązanych z Wolfenbuettel-Brunswick
Saxon-Brunswick Successors of the Piasts (Monarchy of Poland)
Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel Empire and Cultural Heritage. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Heirs of Several Former Goths’ States, the House of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel Succeeded in the alloid inheritance of the Amali and Balti Dynasties
Z Krymu deportowanych jest wielu braci gotyckich!
News has just come to us that several Brothers of Gothian Crimean decent, born in Crimea are being stripped of their Russian citizenship and are being deported to Ukraine! The […]
Deklaracja z Arbroath, dowód na to, że Szkoci są Izraelitami z „Wielkiej Scytii”
Święto Krucjaty Pielgrzymkowej do Ziemi Świętej, Priory of Salem
„Spread of the Culdean Church” bezpłatny rozdział z „History of the Scottish Nation” lub The History of The Celtic Church (wszystkie trzy tomy): Historia cywilizacji od czasów prehistorycznych do średniowiecza.
Scytyjscy Gotowie, prawdziwe królestwa Izraela, które stanowią podstawę całej europejskiej szlachty i prawa do rządzenia
The Scythians were all called Goths and Goths all called Scythian, ( I have many quotes from Steven Collin’s book on this under their various names Getai/Geats. Visigoths, Ostrogoths, etc). […]
Migracje plakatu Gotów
Ukraińscy gwardziści zabici w Kapitolu z powodu ustawy decentralizacyjnej
First of all, we at the Priory of Salem – Peace Institute are very sorry for the 100 Ukrainian Guardsmen (soldiers) casualties and deaths that were inflicted by protestors this […]
Szkoci to Goci z regionu Ukrainy
SCOTS ARE GOTHS FROM THE UKRAINE REGION. This book attached by LA WADDELL (or Haberman’s “Tracing Our Ancestors”, or Steven Collin’s books on the Goths) should remove any slightest doubt […]
HISTORIC PROOF OF ISRAEL’S MIGRATIONS by Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet,A.B., J.D. In my lecture called “ISRAEL’S FINGERPRINTS” I have sketched briefly for you some of the Bible’s evidence that the […]