Etikett: kuldees

Culdee / Spouses of God Prophecy: Céilí Dé meaning Spouse of God

Céilí Dé or Céli Dé means “spouse of God” or “companion of God” in ancient Celtic / Irish. Jowett maintained in his book “Drama of the Lost Disciples” that for […]

A Few “Separatist Culdee” Books on 2nd Century St Elfanus and his King Lucius

Numerous scholars have highlighted the push-back of the Celtic church against Rome. The Irish Primate / Bishop Ussher also wrote well on this topic in the 17th Century (which was […]

Triads of Wales – OCC E-Book Library Content

Herein you may find the English text of the Triads of Wales. (You may also find a copy of the more detailed “Ancient laws of Cambria” (book online in PDF) […]

“British Israelism” Teaching in All Generations of Christendom

A study of the Celtic church shows a lot of proof of the continuity of the Celto-Saxon Israel doctrine. Pastor Dan Gayman of COI gave a great sermon on this […]

Drama of Lost Disciples, Jesus’ Disciples to Britain #1 – Page One

Drama of the Lost Disciples (Jesus’ Disciples) to Britain #1 PDF Book version: or Download “Drama of the Lost Disciples” by Jowett to read the pdf offline. Below is the […]

Jerusalems kyrka flyttade till Storbritannien och den apostoliska stolen i Glastonbury, senare kallad ”det andra Rom”. Många brittiska helgon från 1: a-2: a århundradet intygar detta, se bifogad PDF av heliga

Succession of the Jersalem Bishops and Church.  A study from the Priory of Salem Institute of Theology Many people are unaware of how much authority Saint Joseph (Christ’s uncle, the […]

Hedring av St Gall och St Othmar i den ortodoxa kyrkan i Culdees

In tradition of the high Franko-Gothic Nobles, the Monastic Rule of Saint Columbanus(the Irish Culdee Missionary), was continuously promulgated in the farthest corners of the Germanic Empire. At the early […]

Många forntida manuskript som bekräftar St Joseph (av Sanhedrin) Grundade det brittiska hebreiska prästadömet i Glastonbury år 36AD

 These days it has become popular, and the google ranking system seems to prefer these “new” sources who have agendas to ignore the older authentic records of Joseph at Glastonbury. […]

Ärftligt ledarskap av stam och kyrka

Hereditary Leadership in Celtic (Israel Descended) Nations The following text is from the pages 176 to 180 from “The Celtic Church in Britain” by Hardinge. Bibliography included in the following excerpt. […]

Den sista ortodoxa kungen av England Harold Godwinson

Many have read about the Orthodox history, and our Culdee roots preserved through Orthodox Bishops both in England, within Visigothic, Waldensian, Ostrogothic and other branches who refused to join with […]