Hedring av St Gall och St Othmar i den ortodoxa kyrkan i Culdees

Sprid kärleken

St Gall  (a Culdee Disciple of St Columbanus)

I traditionen med de höga Franko-gotiska adelsmännen utfärdades ständigt Sankt Columbanus kloster (den irländska Culdee-missionären) kontinuerligt i det germanska imperiets yttersta hörn. 

At the early foundation, with the Kings of the Carolingian Empire, these great Celtic schools became the bedrock of our civilization. The Irish illuminated literature and highest schools of sciences culminated into today’s Culdee establishment of St Gall and St Othmar. So the larger official schools known as the Monastery of St Gall were established with the royal backing and help of the sons of Charles Martel (King Pepin and Carloman). Read more: “On Culdees Implementing the Rule of Chancellor Bishop Chrodegang”.

Although Benedictine is compatible, the Scots-Irish Columban Rule held a more strict practice. Among these were the Orthodox true 7th Day Sabbath keeping (as within the rule of St Columbanus). See the source in the Catholic encyclopedia article: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06347a.htm.

Nästan alla tidiga germanska platser för tillbedjan var av de keltiska kuldeerna, och efter att de hade konverterat tog latinerna över dem genom ordningen av St Benedict. Ibland inträffade en accepterad sammanslagning med Culdees och Benedictines. Se vår artikel om detta ämne, hur benediktinerna bara trampar där de keltiska kulderna först odlade: ”Spread of the Culdean Church” gratis kapitel från “Scottish Nation's History” eller The Celtic Church (The Three Volumes) History: History of Civilization From Pre-historical Times to Medieval Times.

Det första stora klostret byggdes där för att formalisera den sanna ursprungliga betydelsen av den germanska framgången, vilket säkerställdes av Culdees varaktiga styre. Så de behöll det som ett centralt tema i de ursprungliga västgermanska imperierna, mot denna rivaliserande ordning i Rom. Detta åstadkoms med återinförandet av Culdees i skolorna i St Gall, och den ortodoxa kyrkan i Culdees firar detta idag. Dessa stora skolor byggdes formellt på platsen för St Gall, ett kungligt germanskt territorium, vilket alltid höll oberoende i strid med Rom. St Gall var en av de tolv lärjungarna som kom till kontinenten från Irland tillsammans med missionären (Saint Columbanus). De är också allmänt ansedda att ha haft en status och plats vid Se av Glastonbury. So the ministry of St Gall was most established there in that part of Switzerland, first backed by these successor houses of the original Germanic Gothic Nobility in the house of the Frankish Kings, later the bloodline Heirs of the House of Brunswick. The first lands deeded to St Gall and his successors there near Arbon Switzerland, was recorded to come from these Franko-Gothic Royals, namely from Sigebert II. He gave it as a gift to St Gall for curing his wife of a demonic possession, given from the Royal treasury for the purpose of founding there a Monastery. It took some time for St Gall to organize as there was much resistance by the latin orders then trying to usurp the original pure orthodox religion. He was offered the Abbice of Luxeuil(also a site of great Celtic schools and illuminated manuscripts), which he declined, and continued there near Arbon where he died at the age of 95. Within the next 100 years was finally erected the great Monestary there, with several generations of Franko-Gothic kings granting their continual backing. King Pepin is said to had personally admonished St Othmar to reinstate the original rule of St Columbanus, removing the ever-encroaching rule of St Benedict.

En anslutning till huset i Brunswick idag:

Följande postades av House of Guelph, det sanna originalhuset, som inser behovet av att återbetala och återuppbygga prästerskapet:

One of our many bindings from the house of Guelph to the Church of the Culdees. This one came from a promised continual maintenance and restitution. The offerings to the Abbey have to be degrading to our chief house, meaning it takes a piece of us. As the Abbey of St. Gall when presided over by St Othmar was persecuted by the Guelphs and the said Abbot died in exile. From thenceforth became an annual tributary to the said Abbey, making up for our sins of descrating such abbey, and done under promises so in order to secure blessings for the coming year, these were religiously followed. St Othmar stood in the position of successor of St Gall, the founder of said church land called St. Gallen. St Gall was one of the twelve companions who came with St Columbanus from Ireland in the 6th Century to convert the continent to the original and true religion of the Apostle St John and St Joseph of Arimathea https://celticorthodoxy.com/2019/12/numerous-ancient-manuscripts-confirming-st-joseph-of-the-sanhedrin-founded-the-british-hebrew-priesthood-at-glastonbury-in-36ad/ som under första århundradet med St Aristobulus och St Andrew konverterade hela keltiska länder. Den regelbundna sändningen av missionärer från de keltiska länderna till öst är väl dokumenterad, eftersom religionens centrum var i Glastonbury. Detta var att upprätthålla den sanna ortodoxa religionen i rivalitet med regeln om de förevigande av Petrus och Paulus i Rom. Glastonbury England hade blomstrat så mycket under kristenhetens första tio århundraden att det kallades andra Rom och fontänen och ursprunget för all religion. Alla senare sändebud i Rom gav också på denna punkt, vilket ständigt har bevisats att vår kyrka har mer anciennitet och bevis på antiken än Rom någonsin skulle kunna hävda.