Dear friends, I have a few new articles upcoming. First I would like to bring attention to our brothers to have a look at our Jerusalem rights of our Templar […]
Etikett: sabbath orthodox church
Learn about Sabbath keeping in the Orthodox Christian Church. The following articles have been written by our church associates to help educate those who didn’t know that Saturday (7th Day) Sabbath keeping was prominent among the Orthodox Church. In all generations there have been a remnant keeping Sabbath. Probably the best place to get this information is in our book “Sabbaten i den sanna ortodoxa kyrkan“. The Keltisk ortodox kyrka is the best example. This is a great identifier mark God placed upon His true Israel people that they would protect Sabbath keeping more than any other people on earth. Christians should be delighted to learn that there are peoples in the earth who kept this central commandment (of the 10 Commandments) to keep Saturday while being called the body and bride of Christ, the Israel of God. This has been preserved and achieved in the Biblical covenants about Israel to their highest extents by His true British Israel and kindred Christian peoples. You’re encouraged also to read more about the British Israel studies at any of the above links.
På Goths som håller sabbaten
As Goths are the only group of people holding the oldest complete Bible, (by Bishop Ulfilas) we should look more towards this Scythian Tribe. As all history agrees these peoples […]
Syndeförhållande, biblisk definition av synd: ”Överträdelse av lagen” förlorar belöningar RM 8-3-91
MEDDELANDE: Sen Bp Pastor Leroy Crouch Undervisningar går online
St Colmans lyckliga festdag, ännu ett starkt vittne för den ortodoxa kristna och hebreiska kalendern
He is one of many Celtic Orthodox witnesses, well known for keeping the correct days (and ways) of keeping the Christian Passover. Saint Colman followed in the original Hebrew and […]
Sabbath Lectionary Sermon on Mp3 “Ska vi välja att synda”?
Below is the weekly lectionary sermon by His Eminence ++Archbishop Dr. Stephen Michael. As is broacasted weekly at 3PM CET on : The Orthodox Church of the Culdees(Celtic) facebook page. It […]
Monastisk regel av Columbanus
Dagens sabbatspredikan: kärleksfull far snarare än idolisering av saker i världen
About Us – The Celtic Orthodox Church (Culdees)
The Orthodox Church of the Culdees (OCC) operates as a free religious association in the United States of America and abroad. + Advancement of the Orthodox Christian Religion that is […]
Kort historia av den ortodoxa kyrkans kyrka och vår återupprättande
Garanterad lördag och söndag är BÅDA firande dagar för Kristi uppståndelse!
On Saturday 3PM (or before sunset) the Resurrection of our King Yahshua had occurred on the Hebrew (and Apostles’ Didascalia) Calendar as used in the Orthodox Church. Both days are […]
Sabbater är gemenskapens högtider!
Here’s an inspirational book on how Sabbaths are community feasts. It is called the Agape feasts. These are the love feasts that Paul talked about. As it says in the […]
Utbildningsinformation om den ortodoxa kyrkan i Culdees
Want to learn more about the Orthodox Church of the Culdees? If you’re a member, remember you’re an evangelist wherever you go. We are living epistles. As we are to […]
Hyllning till Saint Jerome på sabbaten
In the Homilies of Saint Jerome (a 4th-5th Century theologian) it is demonstrated that in his times, Sabbath observance (Saturday) was wholly expected. Homily 21 on Psalm 92 we read, […]
Vår arv med vår gemensamma bön, vår primära liturgi
St. Joseph av Arimathea i Glastonbury eller DEN APOSTOLISKA KYRKAN I BRITTANIEN
Den historiska keltiska kyrkan och dagens ortodoxa kyrkan
The Didache -(incl. missing translation and verses) Accepted by the Culdee, and greater fellowship of churches.
The Didache was written in the First Century and is part of the Orthodox Canon. The Didache is accepted by our church, the Culdee, and greater fellowship of churches. Note Chapter […]
“The(7th Day) Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church” (East and West)
Definitionen av sann biblisk kärlek kan inte vara laglöshet
Sabbaten och den tidiga kyrkan
YAHWEHs sabbat