Позначка: справжній Ізраїль

“CONCLUSION” – from “Saturday Rest: Embracing the Christian Sabbath in Orthodox Faith”

  Chapter 12 from the book “Saturday Rest: Embracing the Christian Sabbath in Orthodox Faith” CONCLUSION God promised to keep a faithful remnant of Israel as His bride—a people who […]

“Old Races” or Pre-Adamites, the Most Scientific, Biblical and Respectful Theory for all Races

Is there a good spiritual basis in the dominant Christian separatist doctrine that kept nearly 100% of America’s churches racially segregated through the 1960s? The below genetics studies, mainstream Universities […]

A Few “Separatist Culdee” Books on 2nd Century St Elfanus and his King Lucius

Numerous scholars have highlighted the push-back of the Celtic church against Rome. The Irish Primate / Bishop Ussher also wrote well on this topic in the 17th Century (which was […]

Tracing Our Ancestors (British Israel book of the month)

For our British Israel book club subscribers (local or online members), the book of the month is “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Freely available for download below. Contact us […]

Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors

Male-only line genealogical line of the Frankish Merovingian Dynasty of the Carolingian Emperors. A study backed by conclusive DNA testing. Our legitimist philosophy rooted in living Sovereign domains and International […]

Animated Map of the Migrations of the 12 Tribes of Israel To Europe, to Music

Short picture map documentary about the migration of the Israelites throughout their history …. it’s provable by history, archeology, language & other means. If you don’t know this it’s well […]


AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE OF LIBERTY ANALYSIS    THE ORGANIC TREE OF LIBERTY. (Not a GMO, hybridized / adulterated counterfeit, synthetic patented and non-Created species which in some Constitutionalist groups falsely […]

Merging of the Official “Zion” Known as Western Christendom with the Geographical Zion/Salem

Latest update February 2022: Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum by Rev Dr Stephen MK […]

Welsh and Celto-Saxon Kings Protecting Glastonbury (and the religion of the Culdees)

A Chapter taken from our booklet on Celtic Ecclesiology, the Married Abbots and Clerics of the Orthodox Culdee. Full text is found at https://celticorthodoxy.com/2017/05/glastonbury-married-cleric-monks/ Welsh and Celto-Saxon Kings Protecting Glastonbury […]

Численні стародавні рукописи, що підтверджують св. Йосифа (із Синедріону), заснували британське єврейське священство в Гластонбері в 36 р. Н. Е.

 These days it has become popular, and the google ranking system seems to prefer these “new” sources who have agendas to ignore the older authentic records of Joseph at Glastonbury. […]