Категорія: Christian Israel: Tribal & Theological

Welcome to OCC’s topic of Israel. We are not only covering theological aspects, but historical aspects that prove the European peoples are descendant from ancient Israel. Below you will find hundreds of articles (and books) on the topic of British Israelism. These surrounding topics are vital for understanding your Bible (which a great deal of the prophecies specifically refer to the very end days is when the “Israelite tribes” are doing major things). It’s important also to know who is who, so when you worship God you do so on basis of Him keeping covenant with His true Israel people that the Bible was written to, for and about. You may wish to begin with our Рекомендована книга: Англо-ізраїльська теза: вагомі докази того, що кавказькі європейці походили від древніх ізраїльтян [М'яка обкладинка]

Lost Israel Found in the Anglo Saxon Race by Ingersol

Lost Israel Found In the Anglo-Saxon Race or The Promises made to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, all fulfilled in the Anglo-Saxon Race. Established in History. Verified by prophecy. […]

Visigothic line of the House of Barcelona (Raymond IV of Gothia and Toulouse)

From our Goths Nobility Theme Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel […]

German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword

Small intro to the article “German Princes as “head of church” – God’s Sword” by the Grace of God HMSH, the Primace Dr. Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick, ThD, PhD, House […]

“Old Races” or Pre-Adamites, the Most Scientific, Biblical and Respectful Theory for all Races

Is there a good spiritual basis in the dominant Christian separatist doctrine that kept nearly 100% of America’s churches racially segregated through the 1960s? The below genetics studies, mainstream Universities […]

Culdee / Spouses of God Prophecy: Céilí Dé meaning Spouse of God

Céilí Dé or Céli Dé means “spouse of God” or “companion of God” in ancient Celtic / Irish. Jowett maintained in his book “Drama of the Lost Disciples” that for […]

A Few “Separatist Culdee” Books on 2nd Century St Elfanus and his King Lucius

Numerous scholars have highlighted the push-back of the Celtic church against Rome. The Irish Primate / Bishop Ussher also wrote well on this topic in the 17th Century (which was […]

1st Century Irish Druids Incorporated Hebrew Christianity at Glastonbury Under Direction of the King of Ulster

In the 1922 Cambridge printed book titled, “St. Joseph at Arimathea at Glastonbury” written by the Vicar of Glastonbury, Reverend Smithett Lewis, it says that as early as 48 AD […]

St Elfan Avalonius, 2nd Century Welsh Saint, comm. January 1st and Sept 26

Sermon broadcasted January 1st, 2024: https://youtube.com/live/5UaT3L_K7hg Here is another great lesson regarding the early Celtic Saints (we document over 1,000 more Saints which are officially honored by the Orthodox, as […]

Potential Orthodox Blessings for Repentant Sinners (as the Latin Pope would agree?)

Open letter to ministers of the Gospel: I feel led of the Lord Jesus Christ to share this bit of admonishment with you to continue on the great work of […]

Bonus Book: “Anglo-Israel: or The British nation the lost tribes of Israel.”

We at the British Israel book club, www.BritishIsraelism.com (by St Andrew’s OCC) hope you enjoy spreading around this great truth of true Israel. Please find enclosed 1 more book of […]

Tracing Our Ancestors (British Israel book of the month)

For our British Israel book club subscribers (local or online members), the book of the month is “Tracing Our Ancestors” by Frederick Haberman. Freely available for download below. Contact us […]

Amra Of St Columba – 6th Century Poem on Life of Columba, an Early Culdee Church Father

Welcome to the PDF E-Book page for the Life of St Columba, or Amra of Columba. The greatest relic of St Columba. Saint Columba was reputed as a founder of […]

Triads of Wales – OCC E-Book Library Content

Herein you may find the English text of the Triads of Wales. (You may also find a copy of the more detailed “Ancient laws of Cambria” (book online in PDF) […]

Short Review: “The Culdee Church of Ireland and Scotland” by Dr Moore

Free PDF book on British Israel and the Celtic Church, as widely understood 150 years ago. Note: Attn Priory of Salem students, don’t forget to send in your book reviews […]

A. D. 906. Special Mission of Scotland – Synod of Scone – A Tenth Century Reformation.

A most telling Chapter on the role the Culdees played in all churches of North West Europe. HISTORY OF THE SCOTTISH NATION by J.A. Wylie VOLUME 3 CHAPTER 6 A. D. […]

The Orthodox Order of the Culdees, the Rule of St Maelruan +792AD

The purer ancient Rule of St Maelruan The rule for the Culdees of Armagh, drawn up by Maelruan, abbot of Tamhlacht (Tallaght), who died in the year 792. The full […]

Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, Online and Print Versions

Volumes 1-7 of the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters.  From the Orthodox Church of the Culdees library. The online versions. We can also suggest publishers […]

The Orthodox Church at Ireland (Celtic Orthodox inspiration of the Saxon Anglican church).

It’s tragic that so many say that the Orthodox Church had not come to Ireland prior to the 1960s (when the new definition of Orthodox / world council of churches […]

Additional Journals and Booklets on the British Israel topic

In addition to the journals we mentioned at “British Israelism” Teaching in All Generations of Christendom and referencing the article by the late Pastor Alan Campbell, “The True and Noble Origins of the […]

Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors

Male-only line genealogical line of the Frankish Merovingian Dynasty of the Carolingian Emperors. A study backed by conclusive DNA testing. Our legitimist philosophy rooted in living Sovereign domains and International […]

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms

Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms “We think there can be a restoration of faith in America, and we think getting [the] Ten Commandments on these […]

John Nott de Arden’s Bye-law against usury, as Sheriff and Mayor of London

John Notte’s Bye-law against Usury (still invoked from time to time). The Sheriff John Nott (of the ancient Vicecommital house of 4 counties that overlap the Mercian circle of Kineton, […]

“The Race of Christians” a phrase embraced by the persecuted early church Martyrs.

“The Race of Christians” a phrase embraced by the persecuted early church Martyrs. (Transcript released notes for the topic broadcasted on “Our Father’s Business”. A message by Dr Stephen MK […]