The Rule of Saint Comgall Saint Comgall, founder of the monastery of Bangor, was trained by St Finnian and became a disciple of St Tigernach of Clones. He instructed several […]
Categorie: Love & Worship
The Forgive and Forget Command, for healthy Christian related relationships
Dr Stephen M.K. Brunswick Dept. of Theology, Priory of Salem Forgive and forget, truly. Lord’s Prayer: “forgive us our sins as we forgive others”. Do you want God to keep […]
On the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Time to Pray and Fast, for these times we are in, and preparing for Passover
WE NEED TO PRAY AND TO FAST FOR THESE TIMES WE ARE IN Christ said we would do the fasting again as the Pharisees did often. Confession and Repentance […]
AANKONDIGING: Late Bp Pastor Leroy Crouch Teachings gaat online
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