We cannot be quiet. Being silent implies consent, and it will only grow. God also warned us that there is a sin of inaction. The peaceful solutions are noted in this article. We are working together with the “Priory of Salem, Peace Institute” on the solutions indicated in this article. We hope to reverse these very dangerous trends and bring some sense of sobriety and normalcy to the public. Some of that requires tolerance for Christianity in it’s fullness to be that holy/separate people. It also includes promoting the liberty for others who do not wish to be Christian to have their freedom and independence to be apart from us. We however, pray like Moses did, that we may have the true liberty and freedom to come out of Egypt, in order to worship the God of Israel.
City after city is falling into the pornography parade traps for the young school children.
This weekend in Oklahoma City, which was a very conservative school district, has now announced their elementary school students will march with the nude pornographic parade. They are coming complete with the city school buses, and children walking along side it, carrying these extreme absolutist anti-Christian flags.
More info about this one:
Numerous children will be shocked, as always, and some becoming more numbed to the numerous sexual acts that will be done in their faces.

elementary school children at gay parades
All over America these “pride month” celebrations are hijacked by activist school board leaders to force the children to see various deviant sexual practices. Within the parades it’s almost all disgusting sexual gestures, nudity and pornography.
The forced pornographic/nude parades are largely swept under the mat right now.
The San Francisco School district boasts in sponsoring about a hundred “gay PRIDE events” for K-12th graders every year as a mandatory for safety education for students. See their site: http://www.healthiersf.org/LGBTQ/ . It includes full teaching of how the students can regularly participate in “drag queen” cross-dressing events for the Middle school children (and other exceptions for younger).
The reason the pornographic parades are mandatory (partially unofficial) and so wide-spread is parents cannot opt-out their children from any gender identity indoctrination whatsoever. It also doesn’t matter what the age group is. LGBTQ Kindergartner books are part of California’s public school mandatory propaganda since Pervert Schwartzenegger. The only type of education that can be opted-out of is traditional sex based teachings. Now from 2016, it’s mandatory that by the age of twelve that all students recieve indoctrination of gender identity and other homosexual acts. This portion of the sexual training can never be opted-out of.
This is a forced ideology to BE PROUD of very specific criminal injurious actions against Christians, OR ELSE suffer punishment! In some Obama Regime schools its becoming mandatory that the children attend nude and pornographic parades where extreme sins (and what was classified as FELONY crimes 10 years ago) are now something all are told we MUST be proud of OR ELSE face assaults and injuries inflicted by truly illegal acts of the demonic possessed. Their criminal actions against the church should be cataloged so it’s clear that they can be brought to justice. Intolerance for Christian beliefs and an absolutist dictatorship ideology seems to be the ONE and only side of the story that is allowed to be discussed in these Obama Regime schools. We still will try to lead by example though. For the rest of us, we don’t claim to attack just one kind of sins but ALL SINS EQUALLY. We know we must be ashamed of ALL our sins, not just some of them, OR ELSE we cannot take of ANY of the Sacraments. This is established law in every church of the whole world for all time! Those who don’t want to hear it or receive our words that would help them clean themselves from these sins, Jesus said we must make a testimony against them that their city will be punished worse than sodom and gommorah, and shake the dust of that city off of our feet. All this absolutist dictatorship FORCE and Flags won’t change it for a true believer. We know our rights under the law, and wait for God to come and be our judge when they try to strike at us! May Christ come and reign over us! We welcome Him very soon! : ) ***JOIN US FOR CHURCH every Saturday LIVE on Facebook at 3PM CET. More info about our services at celticorthodoxy.com

A U.S. soccer player is taking a stand for Biblical marriage on and off the field.
We see there are many renegade agents of government and society that pose a clear and present danger to our children. We seek to make an unbiased list of each agent’s individual criminal offenses they’ve done “under color of law”. That way we may properly file the lawsuit against the ones who overstep their mandate and do actually (promote leftist gatherings such as these). We already have numerous examples where the agents INCITE RIOTS, and even VIOLENT OVERTHROW of the Government. Former Attorney General Lynch, when Trump was elected said that she supports a violent overthrow and people to be killed in order to enforce these leftist activities. Time after time, we’ve found that actual government employees have incited actual violent riots and insurrection activities that did occur and continue on. These same agents have been part of a force that o sweep under the rug the facts that 3/4 all the mass shootings were committed by homosexual(sins) activists. In numerous cases we can find these renegade agents of government and society overstepping the trust committed to them under the laws of the land, to actually promote mass felonies and insurrection against the constitution.
Forced ideological activism against Christian beliefs is the primary part of this month long holiday. This is contrary to having a simple “history lesson” about a culture, for example “Black History Month”. Obama has made an ideological belief-system of “pride” as the basis for an entire celebration for a whole month, taking it several steps further into state-enforced brainwashing. While there is no shortage of history we all can find about homosexuals etc, Obama still took this to a level of state indoctrination of a belief system (or “establishment of religion”).
Christians don’t believe in pride, as pride is sin. We believe in conducting ourselves with humility and to put others first. The Constitution says that “congress cannot make laws in regards to an establishment of a religion”. However, this propping up of a state enforced ideology against establishment of religion. It not only is squarely in the respects of an establishment of religion, but it is also an indirect abridgment of the freedom of speech, of the press, and the right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances, if coming from those who do not share this anti-religious dogma.
While nearly 10 years ago, consensual sodomy between a man and a woman was a felony in many states, we see some very alarming things happening in the legal and political world, contrary to science or any advisory from health professionals. Without any check with experts who could calculate the psychological impacts to the other 99% of the population, the “stunt politics” of extreme leftists have absolutely dictated a forceful change of society in the definitions of what is family, gender, and even the long established “way of worship” in the churches.
With one swipe of Obama’s pen, he made a whole month a mandatory celebration of an ideology, including a mandatory “pride” in that ideology, calling it “pride month”. Obama threatened to take federal funding from any school who refused to have a month long propaganda war on the long established definitions of our society, our families and our culture.
This state establishment of religion is communist gestapo style indoctrination of the children by an absolutist totalitarian intolerant and anti-Christian ideology. These dissenters against families in general never have been satisfied, and we don’t see them satisfied even after all the schools force these pornography parade activities on the children.
Many US states have followed the example of Canada to not allow parents to “opt out” of this divergent sexual education, and the ideological propaganda of that various sexual practices are good and normal. Reiterating that the parents have no right to pull kids from the indoctrination. This amounts to forced ideological indoctrination of the state, as long ast it goes against the established Christian view. It equates to religious persecution by a state establishment of a belief system. This opens the door for a whole slew (upwards of 100 indoctrination PARTIES/EVENTS per year, per city aimed solely at the underage children.) It includes ideological instruction that goes against established scientific medical, psychological and regular community definitions of families and marriage.
In California, you can only opt-out of TRADITIONAL sexual education. In 2016, California made it law, that by the age of 12, all students must receive this ideological indoctrination about “alternate gender identity” and of course that will always include the “non-traditional sex” as being normal. In California Parents CANNOT “opt out” their children from LGBTQ propaganda, but only opt-out of the traditional sexual education information.
We are working together with balanced and good christian people who may want to help reverse these dangerous new policies and fake unconstitutional laws that have dictated these heinous practices.
We are open to hear more diplomatic measures on resolving this crisis. However, it would be against the LGBTQ community’s rights to tell them how to behave in their own cultural event. Parents should also be under no illusions. Truth is the reason for this article.
Now because we don’t tell them how to behave in their events, they shouldn’t tell us which of our holy sacraments or what portions of the liturgies must be changed in our worship ceremonies to suit their times of inquiry.
Most churches do have a separate ceremony that is only for the new inquirers. They don’t have to join our established Catholic religion, and our children shouldn’t be forced to join and confess “pride” as a litmus test in their new state religious cult of atheism.
We see this new mandatory ideology of pride in destroying our worship ceremonies is a present unlawful state establishment of religion.
The radical ideological “forced pride confession” that is only the open door beginning point of the present mass-felony crimes of insurrection by violent radical leftists that call for our Christian President’s assassination and all America’s laws to be overthrown. It is all a very new experiment that the whole world sees has failed miserably. Natural law should be honored and can never be fully forced under government programs contempt and dishonor. In the end times the Bible says that the Holy Spirit will magnify God’s law and make it honorable.
Only leftists advance the transgender agenda.
Here’s some info on the “safety training” you’re not allowed to “opt out” your younger children (under 10 years old) from receiving. That’s state law now in half the states, because Christians are thinking to get out of politics and wait for the rapture. Even doctors are getting arrested for quoting the medical and social / psychological effects of these measures brought on by activist governors and school districts. As we have shown, San Francisco’s school district boasts 100 such “pride events” per year, as shown on their school district website.