Tag: celtic christianity

Honoring of St Gall and St Othmar in the Orthodox Church of the Culdees

St Gall  (a Culdee Disciple of St Columbanus) In tradition of the high Franko-Gothic Nobles, the Monastic Rule of Saint Columbanus(the Irish Culdee Missionary), was continuously promulgated in the farthest […]

Hereditary Leadership Of Tribe And Church

Hereditary Leadership in Celtic (Israel Descended) Nations The following text is from the pages 176 to 180 from “The Celtic Church in Britain” by Hardinge. Bibliography included in the following excerpt. […]

The Historic Celtic Church and Today’s Orthodox Church of the Culdees

In the Scoti-Monasticon it quotes Boece (circa 1530) that “the term Culdee originally denoted monks, but up to his time was applied to all priests.” Dr Wylie In his “History […]

Culdees Were The First Christians, “Drama of the Lost Disciples” by George F. Jowett

“THE DRAMA OF THE LOST DISCIPLES” is a classic of British Israelism, and a rare book. You can read samples of this book (or check all of it online, as […]

“The(7th Day) Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church” (East and West)

Sabbath in the Orthodox Church – By Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. Brunswick ThD, PhD Available for $6.99 Order from Amazon.com, regional links: US UK DE FR ES IT NL JP […]

Hebrew Origins of the Celtic Christian Church

“Modern historians, in dealing with the Roman invasions, completely ignore the reason for the great Roman invasion of Britain. Never once do they mention the Edict of Claudius, or explain […]