Our princes (at the Orthodox Church of the Culdees and covenant assemblies) have existing US, German, Swiss, French and other Treaties recognizing the legal realities of our Sovereign domains and estates. What all Christians of power and authority are to do is eventually to get all Christians who raise to maturity placed into that rank as as Royal(King/Queens) and Priests. YAHWEH the Christ said we are all “kings and priests” and “we shall reign on the earth”. A good prince helps us regain the freedoms that once were, where our lands were in full sovereign possession. Still it’s all been placed under our feet to those of us in Adam, and even moreso in Christ with more legal rights. As it says we “the Saints of the Most High possess the Kingdom for ever and ever”. We have it, just as Paul said although everything is under our feet not everyone sees what’s been placed under our feet (See Heb 2:8 and 1Cor 15:25). Christ helps set us free to these realities and His “firstfruits” will help you do as it says “seek first His kingdom” and “His kingdom come on earth”. And to do as one passage says (paraphrased): “occupy till I come.., rule over my cities, and those who would not that we rule, take them and slay them before Me, at My return”. https://celticorthodoxy.com/2018/06/occupy-till-i-come-literal-meaning/ Learn about the law, and the real sovereign possession, moreso. It is through true realities, not some make believe claim. The true princes have “constructive possession”, and will re-enable the rest to their full possession as we have “for ever and ever”. Pray for them to be empowered and show some mercy on them, as it says YAHWEH comes into judgement with His princes mostly, and secondarily to the people, to totally destroy the rebellious lands with plagues.
Even before the Davidic throne (and it’s covenants were Established with our NW European people) Israel always had a Judge, Ruler, Priest or Prince raise up to deliver the people from slavery or plagues. Also the law of Moses says that the Princes of each Tribe were responsible to “divide the lands”. Only one people on the planet “know His law” and have “His law written on their hearts” and tribally are known as the Christian and Saxon peoples (in Isaac / Saxon shall thy seed be named”). This law of princes having responsibility to divide the lands to the sovereign true Israelites (not just 1 tribe falsly claiming to be Judah in Rev 2:9 and 3:9) and this law stays in existence even after heaven and earth passes away and we have a new heavens and new earth (Matt 5).
Here’s some bits on this true Sovereignty that we know from the International Commission on Royalty and Nobility:
“. . . Sovereignty is not of like character with other things, rather, in its exalted rank, it far exceeds other things.” (Hugo Grotius, The Law of War and Peace, Book 2, chapter 12, no. I) It is above royalty. It is the highest secular right on earth. No one is royal unless intimately connected to the supreme right to rule. This is a matter of law. The point is, “. . . The Rights of Princes to their thrones are . . . Legal Rights [through prescription]. . . .” (“An Inquiry into the Nature and Obligation of Legal Rights,” A Collection of State Tracts, publish’d during the Reign of King William III, vol. 2, 1705, p. 394) That is, “. . . Princes have no natural, but only a legal Right to their Thrones. . . .” (“An Inquiry into the Nature and Obligation of Legal Rights. . . ,” A Collection of State Tracts Publish’d during the Reign of King William III, vol. 2, 1706, p. 397)
No one can just make a grand royal claim, as though they had sovereign rights, and it somehow, someway, magically becomes real, genuine and legit. It must be legally valid to be rightful. Legality is what divides the sheep from the goats. It distinguishes the true and authentic royals from the fakes, the impostors and counterfeiters. If the law does not support a claim, the claim is false and can be rejected with impunity. This is because sovereignty and royalty either exist on a legal basis or they do not exist at all.
Judging a dispossessed sovereign claim, without knowing the applicable and relevant laws involved, is like judging a king or corporation on the legal standard meant for a whale, a rare bird or tortuous. Using the wrong criteria can lead to an enormous misunderstanding of the fundamental facts involved. The point is, if one is uninformed about the law, one can easily make a misinformed decision and judge a situation unfairly. This is a common practice in the field of nobility and chivalry today. People, in general, and the so-called experts, far too often do not know the laws that govern deposed sovereignty, which is the key to understanding what is lawful and right.
If one’s claim is not legal, it is not valid. That is the legal reality of the situation in this field. But legality for a deposed claim does not mean deed poll, changing one’s name, religious endorsement, obtaining a trade mark or copyright, lost and found rules, or the so-called jus sanguinis or ancestry without public law to back it up. International prescription is, in fact, the only law on earth that enables sovereignty, the highest secular right on earth, to continue to legally exist on a deposed basis.
The point is, “The Law makes the King . . . from the law he hath received, to wit, power and dominion: for where [the law does not uphold and establish] there is no [rightful] King [or a deposed lawful monarchy]. (Edward Coke, Selected Writings and Speeches of Sir Edward Coke, vol. 1, Steve Sheppard, ed., 2003, p. 102) Knowledge of the law is way to identify what is valid from what is legal nonsense. And what the law can create, it can also legally destroy.
Deposed sovereignty can be preserved or lost permanently and forever. That is, “. . . After so many years of prescription our kings and emperors [forfeit or] have lost all those true and ancient imperial rights [of rulership and royal privilege]. . . .” (Quote from Hermann Conring (1606-1681) in Constantin Fasolt, Past Sense — Studies in Medieval and Early Modern European History, 2014, p. 364) Prescriptive law terminates all regal and sovereign rights.
“. . . The imprescriptibility [the inability to destroy] royal titles, form[s] no part of the law of nations.” Philipp Melancthon (1497-1560), “Art.18: Melancthon’s Letter to Dr. Troy,” The Annual Review, and History of Literature, vol. 4, Arthur Akin, ed., 1806, p. 263. “. . . The rights of a [deposed] dynasty, however ancient, however celebrated, however illustrious [can be] annulled, extinguished, as if they had never been [or never existed].” (“The New French Dynasty,” The Metropolitan: a Monthly Magazine, devoted to Religion, Education and Literature, and General Information, vol. 2, no.1, February 1854, p. 41) That is the law and how it works. The whole point is, according to the law of nations, if a deposed house fails to maintain and preserve their rights, “. . . all terminate [or end] in Prescription. . . .” (Edmund Burke, Works of Edmund Burke, vol. 9, p. 449, 2005, p. 450) That is, “immemorial prescription cuts off [bars or destroys] all claims.” (Adam Smith, The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith (1981-1987), vol. 5, Lectures on Jurisprudence, R. L. Meek, D. D. Raphael and P. G. Stein, eds., 2004, p. 72) “. . . Prescription hath power to ratify and confirm [in other words, perpetuate] the titles both of Princes and of private men.” (George Buck, The History of the Life and Reign of Richard the Third, 1647, p. 144)
It is the international law of prescription, not domestic law, that either preserves or destroys deposed sovereignty. If prescriptive law is obeyed, then “. . . A Prince, unjustly deposed [by invaders and/or rebellious subjects] . . . hath still a Right to his Kingdom. . . .” (Emerich de Vattel, The Law of Nations, Book 8, chapter 9, no. 9) The good news is that non-reigning sovereignty can last forever. (See “Deposed Sovereignty and Royalty: How to Preserve it and How it can be lost.”)
However, prescription does not work if an ancient so-called kingdom really had no sovereignty in the first place. For example, Dr. Kerr’s book shows evidence that describes how the so-called kingdoms within and border dependencies without the Byzantine Empire had no sovereignty even though they were called kings. He described how they could not issue coins — an act of sovereignty, and even the name used for them was used for judges and minor and major mere governors showing that the word used for king did not mean sovereignty. Prescriptive law cannot preserve non-sovereignties. This law cannot pass down what does not exist. (See “Prescription cannot Preserve all Claims” in chapter 3, and “Protectorates, Vassals, Quasi-Sovereignties” in chapter 2 both in volume 2 of The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law)
In a nutshell, if people do not base their opinions on the law, they are out of sync with what makes or breaks nobility, royalty and chivalry. This can be summarized by the ancient saying: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) The field of nobility and royalty cannot thrive on a foundation of biased opinions. Truth is the only thing that will empower the field to heal, mend, improve and once again thrive.