Video Courses by Hon. Prof. Klaus Jaeger, Elder O.C.C.

We would like to announce the web presence of our Hon. Prof. Klaus Jaeger, Elder of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees. He has for some time been holding excellent courses in the German language. You can reach the website of his teaching Ministry, for the Orthodox Church of the Culdees at
There is a mixture of his paid and free courses available, as found here:
For our German brethren, you may be pleased to find that all of our website at (hundreds of articles) are now available in the German and Polish languages. To reach our German translations you can click at the German flag icon in the bottom right-hand side, or click here.
Für unsere deutschen Brüder ist es möglicherweise eine Freude, dass alle unsere Websites unter (Hunderte von Artikeln) jetzt in deutscher und polnischer Sprache verfügbar sind. Um zu unseren deutschen Übersetzungen zu gelangen, klicken Sie unten rechts auf das deutsche Flaggensymbol oder hier.
Dla naszych niemieckich braci z przyjemnością stwierdzicie, że cała nasza witryna internetowa pod adresem (setki artykułów) jest teraz dostępna w języku niemieckim i polskim. Aby przejść do naszych niemieckich tłumaczeń, kliknij ikonę niemieckiej flagi w prawym dolnym rogu lub kliknij tutaj.
We have recently relocated our church headquarters from Texas to our Priory of Salem Institute land in Arkansas. As is the site of holy festival grounds that is for members, or by invitation only. For public correspondence you may write to us on our office address on Dixieland Rd, Arkansas. As a result of this re-organization, our website is in process of updating from over to Our new ministry email address is