Has anyone before told you that God is only dealing with Spiritual Israel? Has anyone said that all believers can be “grafted-in” to the Olive Tree. When they may be […]
Tag: definition of love
God’s law is for Celto-Saxon Israel exclusively, Christ says avoid other tribes or ethnos
A Study by the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies (“SIN IS TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW“, SEE 1JOHN 3:4. SO SIN ONLY APPLIES TO ISRAEL, THE REST CANNOT BE […]
Segregation Being the Cultural Vitality of Christendom, A Historical Fact of the Thriving of God’s Bride and Body Israel: the Church
(From Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies, Pub 2008) – Segregation Being the Cultural Vitality of Christendom – Europe hasn’t had this problem, simply because there were no blacks or […]
Blasphemy Laws Prove America Was And Still Is Legally A Christian Theocracy
Southern Baptists Choose New Beliefs Against God’s Word
This is proof that the Holy Spirit has left this denomination long ago. One Bible believer will normally put 1,000 non-Bible believers to flight. Non-believers normally wouldn’t be able to […]
The Definition of Love: Biblical Love
Love and Truth or ‘Inciting Hate’? Biblical Definitions of love, truth, and hate, incitement to love etc
Love and Truth or ‘Inciting Hate’? Biblical Definitions of love, truth, and hate, incitement to love etc