Below you may find numerous authoritative quotes showing how the true Orthodox Celts (the Scots-Irish etc) detested pork consumption. Study more of the practices of the Celtic Orthodox church at […]
Позначка: теологія
Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church, by Warren
The Forgive and Forget Command, for healthy Christian related relationships
Dr Stephen M.K. Brunswick Dept. of Theology, Priory of Salem Forgive and forget, truly. Lord’s Prayer: “forgive us our sins as we forgive others”. Do you want God to keep […]
The Spirit of Lilith, Pre-Adamic Demons, and Worldly Psychiatry **mp3**
On the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
"Шукаємо загублених спадкоємців" адвокат Християнської ліги оборони доктор Бертран Компаре
LOOKING FOR LOST HEIRS by Dr Bertrand L. Comparet,A.B., J.D. Have you ever stopped to question the intense hatred there is in the world for white Christians? The written intention […]
Взаємозв'язок гріхів, біблійне визначення гріха: "Переступ закону", що втрачає нагороду РМ 8-3-91
ОГОЛОШЕННЯ: Пізніші вчення пастора Леруа Крауча виходять в Інтернет
Тобі це дано, Бог не всіх кличе
Is God Calling Everyone? Some really don’t take Yahshua’s(Jesus’) words serious when He said that it will really be like the days of Noah where only a family was saved […]
Декілька тисяч бібліотечних статей знову в мережі
Several thousand articles from the Anglo Israel Library is back online. We’re proud to bring these research articles back online to you once again. These theologians dedicated their lives to laboring […]