A very insightful letter from a Reader in response to our article
as found below, complete with illustrations that were sent to give a merciful warning to the Mayor to turn around his conduct before he is arrested and brought to justice in a court of law. Thanks be to God and for His servant Reinhold for sending on the response and rebuke of the present Mayor of Philadelphia.

* The present winter is worth an age, if rightly employed; but, if lost or neglected, the whole continent will partake of the evil; and there is no punishment that man does not deserve, be he who, or what, or where he will, that may be the means of sacrificing a season so precious and useful.

The word racism was invented by the mass murdering communists (who killed 66 million of their own people). One of the most evil people who ever lived, Trotsky, the biggest mass murderer of Stalin and Lenin, invented the word racism. RACISM IS A COMMUNIST WORD! They wouldn’t just label you as being a racist, they would kill you. Just like today so many leftist leaders in society are saying “Kill All White People” and they say they want to kill the US president when he has never said anything racist. They all don’t just label they attack and often with lethal attacks against those who they call racist, which are furthest from being racist.
Trotsky invented the word racist, and used it as a justification after having already killed millions of their own innocent citizens and having stolen their wealth.
The label of racism was created only by communists to attack whoever doesn’t want to mix and destroy their culture. Anyone who were accused of racism were executed for treason, even if it was just a suspicion that couldn’t be proven. See here Leon Trotsky invented the word racist, the first time the word was ever used,

So do you have this communist word in your vocabulary? Under US law then you ca be arrested and tried for supporting communism and their successor organizations like ANTIFA. One can argue that using the word racism to overthrow the government, can land someone 20 years in jail. We recently covered those laws that several US Mayors may be found guilty of, who are presently conspiring with terrorist communist organizations to shut down ICE and promote sanctuary cities. Most of all, they say they’re attempting to assassinate the president, while they slander him with this communist word “racist”.
Blasphemy Laws Prove America Was And Still Is Legally A Christian Theocracy The blasphemy laws make the final confirmation to show to us beyond any shadow of doubt that America was and still is legally an exclusively Christian theocracy.