Full Article: “Behind the Mask of Respectability: The truth about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith – THE RACIST JEWISH MAFIA!” Priory of Salem – Institute of Peace Studies, O.C.C. […]
Category: Templar
Birth of a Nation, Account of Battle of Bull Run, by Dr Josiah C. Nott
by Dan Masters In July 1861, Dr. Josiah Clark Nott of Mobile, Alabama was spending his summer with his family in Virginia. As events seemed to point to a […]
The Orthodox Church at Ireland (Celtic Orthodox inspiration of the Saxon Anglican church).
Eva Vlaardingerbroek latest headline news
Male-Only Frank/Merovingian Ancient Genealogy of the NW German / Carolingian Emperors
Children Suing Hospitals For Forced Castration Crimes
Health Freedom Resources
Organizations you may wish to work with towards your health freedom and informed consent Health Freedom Groups Alabama healthfreedomalabama.com Alaska www.facebook.com/healthfreedomalaska Arizona az.childrenshealthdefense.org Arkansas https://arkansansforinformedconsent.blogspot.com/ California www.v-ial.org Colorado https://cohealthchoice.org Connecticut healthchoicect.org Delaware https://www.facebook.com/groups/DelawareVaccineChoiceCoalition/ Florida healthfreedomflorida.com Georgia www.gcvcadvocates.org Hawaii alohafreedomcoalition.org Idaho healthfreedomidaho.com Illinois IC4IC.org […]
Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms
John Nott de Arden’s Bye-law against usury, as Sheriff and Mayor of London
“The Race of Christians” a phrase embraced by the persecuted early church Martyrs.
Should Women be Forcibly Drafted to War? God’s Law on the Military Draft and Warfare by Sheldon Emry
The “Russian Sympathizer Trap” to Disarm Traditional Conservatives
“End the Fed”, Credit Fraud Banking is Repugnant to the Constitution
King Arthur, Glastonbury and Joseph of Arimathea Connections
Are You a Prophet? (Spiritual gifts confirmed) Are you a judge?
Celtic / Scottish Knights Templar
Intermarium TRUE GUARANTEED PEACE for Ukraine / E Europe
Remembering St Ethilwald, Composer of the Lindisfarne Gospels’ Artwork
“British Israelism” Teaching in All Generations of Christendom
A study of the Celtic church shows a lot of proof of the continuity of the Celto-Saxon Israel doctrine. Pastor Dan Gayman of COI gave a great sermon on this […]
Affinity Between the Hebrew and Celtic Languages (AKA Races)
Covert Lynching Campaign Happening all Around the world. Karen Kingston Proves the “fibrous clots” (strangling victims), are by design of the vaccine companies’ own literature
My analysis: As in each case, the hundreds of independent embalmers discovered the fibrous clots due to the fact the major arteries around the neck are blocked and constricted by […]
Animated Map of the Migrations of the 12 Tribes of Israel To Europe, to Music
Short picture map documentary about the migration of the Israelites throughout their history …. it’s provable by history, archeology, language & other means. If you don’t know this it’s well […]