Tag: orthodox

Visigothic line of the House of Barcelona (Raymond IV of Gothia and Toulouse)

From our Goths Nobility Theme Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum Goths’ Viking Royalty, Parallel […]

The Spirit of Lilith, Pre-Adamic Demons, and Worldly Psychiatry **mp3**

Pastor Crouch of Restoration Ministries in his open classroom setting, shares about the teaching of Lilith. He breaks the ice on the topic in a fun and humorous way, sharing […]

Saint Brendan(the Culdee)’s Voyage to America in the 6th Century

Today our Church of the Culdees remembers Saint Brendan. Below you’ll find an article on the plausibility of his voyage. One of many such articles. St Brendan was a companion […]

The last Orthodox King of England Harold Godwinson

Many have read about the Orthodox history, and our Culdee roots preserved through Orthodox Bishops both in England, within Visigothic, Waldensian, Ostrogothic and other branches who refused to join with […]