The 6 feet social distancing rule etc was always considered a high privilege of the German Nobility. There were also special dress codes and special parts of the street you’re allowed to walk on depending on your class. This went through the Imperial eras. Frankfurt Nobility had 7 dress code classes, where it was a heavy fine if you violated social distancing etc (which ONLY the Marxists tried to destroy this, and some Hitler socialists). This came out of Hebrew law for example the unclean had to walk on a different road, (any blood in the flesh/flu symptoms etc).
Praise Yahweh finally we are allowed to follow these Imperial laws in America again.
Actually in many cases, violating this rule was fair game to tick off a duel of pistols, or in many cases considered an act of civil disobedience and prescribed whippings.
“Keep the commandments that ye might live” it says throughout the old and new testaments. “See the evil ahead, and a wise man gets out of the way.” “watch and pray always that ye might be counted worthy to escape the things that shall come to pass and stand before the Son of man” “come out of Babylon that ye partake not of her sins or of her plagues”.
Keeping the commandments is for our bare survival. There are dozens of verses that talk about this being the purpose. A few from a basic word search are shown below. Keeping the commandments to just “live” on earth and that your generations “multiply” and “possess the land”. There are so many covenants from Yahweh God about getting possession of the land, to the extents the seed of the Royals keep the commandments of God. Of course that’s not talking about eternal salvation and the other loopholes of socialists.
Paul always reiterated it wasn’t for spiritual eternal salvation, but just basic survival while on the earth. This is why Paul reiterated Paul said “abstain from blood” and “things strangled”, the infection commandments being the former, and Biblical foods being the latter.
Before the advent of greater sanitation and showers etc, try having a person covered in blood sores in your assembly (which is what happens in nearly all cases of flu). We can show you many orthodox texts, the Apostles Didascalia etc that says remove them out. Availability of showers has masked everything for a little while only.
read more from our articles:
God’s Elect (Ekklesia Holy Church) Will in the End Times Be Stronger Than It Has Ever Been in History *note Ekklesia was the word used for the ruling Roman elite
Places of Glory, Refuge and Tabernacles.
Some Biblical Thoughts On The Lukewarm
We are praying for everyone to have a safe quarantine period, and find a better situation going forward.
This covid19 situation may not pass even in 10 years. The remote work etc will continue to prove to be the best way forward. Those in government bought a bunch of remote working companies. May God Bless and keep us all in Christ.