“God’s Marks on Israel! If we can discover the Nation and people with the Israel Marks we have discovered Israel. Have we the Marks? …. And all the Marks? …. And are they on us only? The Marks are the one absolute and final test of identity.
What does the Bible foretell about the future of Israel, for God knows the future? (Acts 15: 18).
- David had the promise of a future appointed place for Israel. (2 Samuel 7: 10)
- This appointed place was to be in the Isles afar off from Palestine. (Isaiah 41: 1 Jeremiah 31: 10)
- A place where we were to be saved from our enemies. (Luke 1: 71)
- Delivered out of the hands of our enemies. (Luke 1: 74)To develop into a Great and Mighty Nation (Genesis 18: 18)
- They must be a company of Nations. (Genesis 35: 11 Genesis 48: 19)
- Israel’s name was to be “Great”. (Genesis 12: 2)
- Israel was to be exceedingly fruitful. (Genesis 28: 14, Genesis 49: 22-26, Numbers 23: 10, Isaiah 27: 6, Hosea 1: 10, Zechariah 10: 8)
- Israel was to spread abroad to the west, east, north and south. (Genesis 28: 14, Isaiah 43: 5-6)
- Israel was to have a monarch descendant of David reigning. (Jeremiah 33: 17, 21, 26, Ezekiel 37: 24, 2 Samuel 7: 13-29, Psalm 89: 20-37)
- Israel was to be the first of the Nations. (Genesis 49: 22-26, Deuteronomy 4: 7, Deuteronomy 26: 19, Deuteronomy 28: 13, Jeremiah 31: 7)
- Israel to continue a Nation forever. (2 Samuel 7: 16, 24, 29, 1 Chronicle 17: 22-27, Jeremiah 31: 35-37 and many other places
- Israel to dwell alone. (Numbers 23: 9, Deuteronomy 33: 28)
- Israel was to have a new home. (2 Samuel 7: 10, 1 Chronicles 17: 9)
- Israel’s home north west of Palestine. (Isaiah 49: 12, Jeremiah 3: 18)
- Israel’s home uninvadeable. (Isaiah 41: 11-14, 2 Samuel 7: 10)
- Israel to be undefeatable, defended by God. (Numbers 24: 8, 9, Isaiah 54: 15-17, Micah 5: 8)
- Israel like a Lion. (Numbers 23: 24, Numbers 24: 9)
- Israel to have control of the seas and be the Great Naval Power of the World. (Numbers 24: 7, Deuteronomy 33: 19, Psalm 89: 25, Isaiah 60: 5)
- Israel to have a land of great mineral wealth. (Deuteronomy 33: 15-19)
- Israel to have a land of great agricultural wealth. (Deuteronomy 33: 13, 14, 28)
- Israel to be rich by trading. (Deuteronomy 8: 9, Isaiah 60: 5, Isaiah 61: 6)
- Israel to be envied and feared by all nations. (Deuteronomy 2: 25 & 4: 8 28:10 Isaiah 43: 4 & 60: 10, 12, Micah 7: 16-17, Jeremiah 33: 9)
- Israel to lose a colony, and then increase demanding more room. (Isaiah 49: 20)
- Israel to lend to other nations, borrowing from none. (Deuteronomy 15: 6 & 28: 12)
- Israel to reign over many nations, be reigned over by none. (Deuteronomy 15: 6)
- The Aborigines were to diminish before Israel. (Deuteronomy 33: 17, Isaiah 60: 12, Jeremiah 46: 28)
- Israel was to possess the gates of their enemies. (Genesis 22: 17)
- Israel was to have all the land it needed. (Deuteronomy 32: 8)
- Israel was to possess the land from the Euphrates to the uttermost sea. (Deuteronomy 11: 24)
- Israel was to be a people saved by the Lord. (Deuteronomy 33: 27-29, Isaiah 41: 8-14 & 43: 1-8 & 49: 25-26 & 52: 1-12 & 54: 1-10, 13, 15, Jeremiah 46: 27-28, Ezekiel 34, Hosea 2: 23 & 13: 9-14 & 14: 4-6, Micah 6: 6-13)
- Israel was to live in islands and coasts of the earth. (Isaiah 41: 1-2, Isaiah 49: 1-3, Isaiah 51: 5, Jeremiah 31: 7-10)
- Israel was to have a new language. (Isaiah 28: 1)
- Israel was to have a new name. 9Isaiah 62: 2 & 65: 1-15, Hosea 2: 17)
- Israel was to have a new religion. (Jeremiah 31: 34-34, Hebrew 8: 13 & 9: 17 show the New Covenant brought in, Luke 1: 77, Galatians 3: 13, John 11; 49-52)
- Israel was to lose all trace of her linage. (Hosea 2: 6, Hosea 1: 9-10, Hosea 2: 17, Isaiah 42: 16)
- Two Great Rival Nations were to spring from Joseph. (Genesis 48: 13, 20)
- Israel was to have a heathen empire. (Psalm 111: 5-6 & 149: 2-8)
- Israel was to be the custodian of the Oracles of God. (Isaiah 59: 21, Psalm 147: 19-20)
- Israel was to be a people glorying in Christ. (Isaiah 41: 16, Acts 5: 31, Romans 11: 26, Luke 2: 32, but not Jews-see 1 Peter 2: 7-8, John 11: 52)
- Israel was to carry the Gospel to the entire world. (Genesis 28: 14, Isaiah 43: 21, Micah 5: 7, Witnesses: Isaiah 43: 10-12, not church, see verse 14)
- Israel was to be God’s Heritage, formed by God, for God, for Ever. (Deuteronomy 4: 20 & 14: 2, 2 Samuel 7: 23, 24, Isaiah 43: 21 & 54: 5-10, Micah 7: 14-18, Hosea 2: 19, 23, Joel 2: 27, 1 Kings 8: 51, 53)
- Israel will not be found in Circumcision. Circumcision was a sign of the Old Covenant.
- Israel will be found under the New! (Hebrews 8; 6-9 & 9: 17, Acts 15: 10, Galatians 3: 13; Circumcision abolished: Acts 15: 19-29)
- Israel was to be kind to the poor. (Deuteronomy 15: 7, 11)
- Israel was to be the refuge of the Downtrodden, the Liberator of the Slaves. Isaiah 49: 8, 9 & 58: 6-7)
- Israel is described as “drunken.” (Isaiah 28: 1-7)
- Israel was to be called or named after Isaac. (Genesis 21: 12, Amos 7: 16, Romans 9: 7)
- Israel was to be a Kingdom of Priests, a Holy Nation to the Lord. Exodus 19: 6, Deuteronomy 19: 6, Leviticus 20: 26, Isaiah 61: 6 & 62: 12)
- Israel was to pray towards Jerusalem. (1 Kings 8 – Solomon commanded it, and so prayed, see 2 Chronicles 6: 21, 26)
- The Nation was the Church. The whole people good and bad formed the Assembly, the Congregation: so is it with our National Church today.
- The Singular Name. “Great Britain.” Brit or Brith is Hebrew for Covenant; it is also Welsh for the same. Britain id Covenant Land; British is Covenant Man.
- Israel or Joseph must have possession of the Stone of Israel. (Genesis 49: 24)
- Israel was to deliver Jerusalem in the last days. (Ezekiel 25: 14 & 36: 8, 12, Luke 21: 24)
- Israel’s new home was to be filled with the treasures of the Gentiles. (Isaiah 60: 5, 16, Isaiah 61: 6)
- Israel was to colonize the desolate places of the earth. (Isaiah 49: 8 & 54: 3)
- Israel teachers, pastors and shepherds were to be blind. (Ezekiel 34: 1-16; Peoples as well, Isaiah 60: 12, Acts 16: 26)
- Israel was to encompass or girdle the earth. (Deuteronomy 32: 8, 9, Jeremiah 10: 16 & 51: 19, Psalm 74: 2, Isaiah 60: 12, Acts 17: 26)
- Israel’s return is to be, among other places, from Australia. (Isaiah 49: 12; A.V. says “Land of Sinam.” The Vulgate says “Terra Australis.”
- The Lord undertakes to fight against all who fight against Israel. (Isaiah 41: 8-14 & 49: 25, 26 & 52: 12 & 54: 15, 17)
- Israel’s seed were to be honoured among the Gentiles. (Isaiah 61: 4, 6, 9)
- Israel’s was to possess God’s Holy Spirit as well as His Word. (Isaiah 44: 3 & 59: 21, Haggai 2: 5)
- Israel was to be gentle and magnanimous in victory. (1 Kings 20: 31)
- Those who blessed Israel were to be blessed, and those that cursed Israel were to be cursed. (Genesis 12: 3, Numbers 24: 9)
- Israel is to be the chief opponent of Antichrist at Armageddon. 9Ezekiel 38 & 39)
- Israel is to be the Heir of the World. (Romans 4: 13 – Through faith, not the Law. If through the Law, the Jews would be heirs. See Isaiah 60: 21 – Ferrar Fenton’s translation: Zephaniah 3: 19 – also Ferrar Fenton)
- Israel is to be God’s glory. (Isaiah 46: 13 & 49: 3 & 60: 1,2)
- Israel is to call an unknown nation and unknown nations are to run to srael (Isaiah 55: 5)
- Israel is to pride herself in the lifting up of the nations. (Isaiah 49: 8, 9 & 61: 6)
- Israel is to be sown in the earth. (Hosea 2: 23, Jeremiah 31: 27, Zechariah 10: 9, Amos 9:9)
- Israel is to punish Edom in the last days. (Ezekiel 25: 14, Obadiah 18, Isaiah 11: 14, Amos 9: 12)
- Israel is to break in pieces the Nations. (Jeremiah 51: 19-24, Micah 5: 8, Numbers 23: 24 & 24: 8, 9, Daniel 2: 44)
- Israel is the Nation appointed to bring glory to God. (Isaiah 41: 8-16 & 43: 10, 21 & 44: 23 & 49: 3 & 60: 2)
- Israel’s people to be established in righteousness. (Isaiah 54: 14 & 45: 25, Romans 11: 26)
- Israel to remain in ignorance of her special relationship to God till the great revealing comes. (Ezekiel 39: 7, 22, 28)
- Israel’s soldiers in the latter days to be in scarlet uniforms. (Nahum 2: 3-4)
- Israel must be as sand for multitudes. (Hosea 1: 10)
- Israel to have immense Colonies. (Isaiah 54: 3)
- Israel the wealthiest nation. (Deuteronomy 8: 18, Isaiah 60: 11)
- The national heraldry must be the Lion and the Unicorn. (Numbers 24: 8, 9)
- Israel must preserve the Sabbath nationally. (Isaiah 58: 13, 14)
- Israel must keep the Sabbath forever. (Exodus 31: 13, 16, 17)
- Israel is to be kind to strangers. (Leviticus 19: 33, 34)
- Israel was to be a separated people. (Deuteronomy 26: 18, 19)
- Israel was to retain the Israel system of weights and measures. (Leviticus 19: 36, 37)
- Israel was to be God’s Battle Axe and Weapons of War. (Leviticus 19: 36-37)
- God covenants to give the land from the River of Egypt unto the great River, the River Euphrates. (Genesis 48: 19)
- Ephraim and Manasseh to have the National Blessings. (Genesis 48: 19)
- Judah is to have the Sceptre “Til He comes whose right it is” (Genesis 49: 10 – compare Ezekiel 21: 27 for the meaning)
- A maritime people and prominent in irrigation. (Numbers 24: 7)
- A people of inheritance. (Deuteronomy 4: 20)
- A stiff-necked people. (Deuteronomy 9: 6)
- A peculiar people. (Deuteronomy 14: 2)
- Care for the fatherless and widows. (Deuteronomy 24: 19)
- Blessings when obedient. (Deuteronomy 28: 1)
- Cursing for disobedience. (Deuteronomy 28: 15)
- Israel dwells in safety. (Deuteronomy 33: 28)
- The Kingdom to be Israel’s. 91 Kings 9: 31)
- Make the wilderness rejoice. Isaiah 35: 1)
- Renewing strength in the Islands. (Isaiah 41: 1)
- The Servant Nation. (Isaiah 41: 8)
- A Blind Servant. (Isaiah 42: 19)
- A deaf nation. (Isaiah 42: 19)
- A surnamed People. (Isaiah 45: 4 & 62: 2)
- A protected People. (Isaiah 54: 17)
- A ministering People. (Isaiah 58: 6 – i.e. mission schools and mission hospitals)
- A perpetual Nation. (Jeremiah 31: 36)
- A perpetual throne. (Jeremiah 33: 20)
- Israel to retill Palestine. (Ezekiel 34: 34)
- A sifted people. (Amos 9: 9)
- Israel to possess Edom’s possessions. (Obadiah 5: 17)