110 Marks of Israel, Bible References Identifying the Difference Between True Israel (Saxon Christendom) and False (Idumea, a people of God’s curse)

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110 Marks of Israel by Lt. Col. J.G. Wright

Colonel Wright was born in a small community in Ontario in 1877 but moved to Toronto where he graduated from the University of Toronto. He held a number of civic offices and was very active in military circles. He was an officer in the standing army and so was called for service early in 1914 when World War I broke out. The first year was spent in training officers at Niagara and then he was sent to serve in England and France. He was wounded in 1917 and was assigned the trans-Atlantic conducting service when he recovered.


It is not known when the Colonel first learned the Israel Truth but it must have been quite early in life for he had studied the Kingdom Gospel while associated with the Anglican Church. In any event, when he arrived in Vancouver, he soon was attracted to this Association and served as its Secretary for nearly twenty years. He was very well known as a Speaker and Teacher and traveled across both Canada and the United States, in addition to London England, and his congenial manner made him a most popular speaker. He was a great ambassador for the Israel Truth. He died in 1950.

The following is his excellent thesis on true Israel’s marks of identification.


“God’s Marks on Israel! If we can discover the Nation and people with the Israel Marks we have discovered Israel. Have we the Marks? …. And all the Marks? …. And are they on us only? The Marks are the one absolute and final test of identity.

What does the Bible foretell about the future of Israel, for God knows the future? (Acts 15: 18).