Irish Saints in Great Britain, more knowledge on the Culdees

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Irish Saints in Great Britain.

A great portion of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees is comprised of the well known Irish Saints. So our libraries would not be complete without several volumes on the topic.

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First Fruits of Irish Piety among the Britons, … 1
Irish Settlements on the British Coasts.—SS. Ursula and
Sedulius.—St. Brenach.—Conversion of Breean of Brecknockshire.—SS. Cynog and Keyna.—St. Germanus.

St. Tathai.—St. Cadoc the Wise.—Irish Saints in Cornwall.—St. Buriana.—St. Livin.—St. Breaca.—St. Finguaire.—St. Hia. —Memorials of Irish Saints along the Western Coast of Britain. —St. Serigi. CHAPTER II.
Irish Saints in the Monasteries of Britain and
Armoriua, … … … … 22
Glastonbury of the Irish. — St. David’s Monastery at Menevia. —St. Kieran at St. Iltud’s Monastery.—Padstow. —Irish Chieftains on the British Coast.—SS. Samson
and Iltud. —St. Gildas. —Monastery of Llandeveneck.

St. Joava. —SS. Magloire and Machut.—SS. Kybi and
Padarn. —St. Constantine. —Cadwallon and Cadwaladar. CHAPTER III.
Missionary Labours of St. Columba and his Companions in Scotland, … … … 53 Fame of Ireland in the Sixtli Century.—Early years of
St. Columha.—His Virtues.— Visit to St. Molaise.—The
Companions of his Pilgrimage —Iona. —St. Columba’s
love of Discipline. — His Visits to Conal, King of Dalriada, and Brude, King of the Picts. —His Labours among the Picts.—The Monastery of Tears.—St. Moluog.—SS. Don- nan and his Companions Martyrs.—St. Molios.—SS. Fin- nan and Mochonna. —The Four Founders of Monasteries. Sea Voyages of St. Cormac.—Eilean-na-naoimh.

St, Columha at Druimceatt.—His love of Ireland.—The
Monastery of Derry.—St. Columba punishes injustice done to the Poor.—His Visit to St. Kentigern.—His
Pilgrimage to Rome. —Inchcolm. —Heavenly favours granted to St. Columba.—His Death.
PAGE CHAPTER IV. The Successors of St. Columba in Iona, … 103
St. Baethen.—SS. Laisren and Fergna.—St. Cummian’s
Writings.—St. Adamnan’s Visits to King Aldfrid.—The
” Lex lnnocentium.”—Adamnan’s Works.— His fame for Sanctity.—Relics which he collected.—The Rule of Life observed in Iona.—The Mass.—Sign of the Cross.

Prayers for the Dead.—The Religious Habit.—Presbyterian Fallacies regarding Iona.—Succession of Abbots. CHAPTER V.
Irish Saints in the Kingdom of Strathcltde, … 127
Early Irish Settlements in Strathclyde.—St. Patrick’s Birthplace.—St. Ninian studies in Rome. —The Monastery of Whitherne.—St. Ninian’s Cave. —His connection
with Ireland.—Irish Saints at Whitherne. —St. Modenna. Her Sanctuary at Maidenkirk. —St. Kentigern under the
care of St. Servan.— His Monastery at Glasgow.—Austerities of St. Kentigern.—He visits Wales.—Founds a Monastery at St. Asaph’s.—Bederech, King of Strathclyde.—Some Memorials of St. Kentigern.— The Queen’s
Ring.—St. Servan. — St. Conval.—Revival of Devotion to
this Saint St. Bea. —Synod of Rome in a.d. 731. CHAPTER VI. Other Irish Saints in Scotland, … … 163
Irish Kingdom of Dalriada St. Kieran of Ossory.

St. Buite.—St. Modan’s Sanctuaries.—St. Bridget’s
Monastery at Abernethy.—Irish origin of Scottish Sees.

St. Finian of Moville.—St. Coemghen. —St. Jloanus.

St. Berchan. —St. Senanus.—St. Finbar.—St. Fechin.

St. Ernan. —SS. Ethernan and Itharnasch. —St. Fintan Munnu.—St. Beccan. —St. Flannan.—St. Dabius.

St. Gervad.—SS. Momhaedog and Tallarican.
CHAPTER VII. Close Union of the Churches of Scotland and
Ireland, … … … … ISO
St. Fiacre.—St. Maelrubha.—St. Fillan.—St.Ronan.—Irish Saints in the Islands off the Scottish Coasts. —They
penetrate to Iceland, and probably also to AHerica.

Martyrdom of St. Blaithmac.—St. Cadroe St. Dubthacb.—St. Malachy. —Legends regarding SS. Regulus and Boniface.—St. Adrian and his Companions Martyrs.
—The Culdees.
First Missions to the Anglo-Saxons, … … 205
St. Gregory the Great sends the First Missionaries to the Anglo-Saxons.—The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms.—Conversion of Ethelbert King of Kent, and his People.—The Kingdom of Essex also converted.—Archbishop Laurentius and St. Dagan of Inverdaoile. —Four points of Dif- ference between the Irish and the Continental Churches. —The British Clergy unable to evangelize the Saxons.

Kent and Essex fall away from the Faith.—Conversion and Apostacy of the Northumbrians.—King Oswald’s Vic- tory at Heavenfield.—Eeligion restored in Northumbria.
St. Aidak, First Bishop of Lindisfarne, Apostle of northumbkia. … … … 222
Early Life of St. Aidan. —Lindisfarne.—Virtues of St. Aidan. —His efforts to train up a Native Clergy.- His Apostolic Labours. —King Oswald interprets his Sermons for the
People. —Aidan at the Royal Table. —His care for the Poor. —He adheres to the Irish Customs. —Foundation
of Mailros.—Coldingham.—St. Aidan’s Hermitage in Fame Island. —Death of Oswald.— Character of this Pious
Prince.—The Fortress of Bamborough saved by the
prayers of Aidan.—Oswin, King of Deira.—Death of
St. Aidan.
The Immediate Successors of St. Aidan, … 246
St. Fin an, Bishop of Lindisfarne Monasteries founded by King Oswy.—The Paschal controversy. —St. Colman,
Bishop of Lindisfarne.—Anglo-Saxons flock to the Irish Schools.—SS. Wigbert and Willibrord.—The Conference
at Whitby in a.d. 6fU.—Decision of King Oswy.—
Character of the Irish Monks of Lindisfarne.

St. Colman withdraws to Iona.—He founds Monasteries
at ‘ Mayo of the Saxons ‘ and Inisbofin.
St. Cuthbert, … … … 26B
SS. Tuda and Fata.—St. Cuthbert born in Treland. —His
early years. — He tends flocks on the Lammermoor. —His
life in the monastery of Mailros. — His hermitage at Dull. His austerities. —Succeeds Boisil as Prior. His charity
to pilgrims Apostolic zeal. —St. Cuthbert in Lindisfarne. —He retires to Farne I sland.—Is appointed Bishop. Death of King Egfrid. —St. Guthbert’s virtues and
miracles.—His friendship for Herbert of Derwentwater. He protects the home of his foster-mother.—Visits the monasteries nf Coldingham, Whitby, and Tynemouth.

St. Guthbert’s death. —Popular veneration for his memory. —Character of King Aldfrid of Northumbna.
Irish Missions in the other Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, 303
Influence of Northumbria on the other Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. —Conversion of Mid-Angles.—SS. Diuma and
Cellaeh. —St. Chad.— Sigebert, King of the East Saxons, embraces the Faith. —St. Cedd. – Bishop Jaruman.—The
East Angles.—Virtues of St. Fursey.—His Monastery at Cnobbersburg.—The Visions of St. Fursey.—His labours among the East Angles. —His life in France. —He visits Home. -His Death.—His Relics. — The Companions of
St. Fursey.—Irish Monks the Pioneers of the Faith in Sussex.— Conversion of the West Saxons.— Agilbert and
Mailduff.—St. Aldhelm.—The Irish Missions crowned
with success.

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