Words like “father” and “mother” are getting banned in many states. Many of these states even classify those two words as hate crimes. California had this law for some time, […]
Category: Uncategorized
Lincoln Promised the North To Return All Blacks To Africa
A special report for students of the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies. Most people have no idea Lincoln promised the North to send every black person back to […]
The Abrahamic Blessing (For regular recitation)
Abrahamic Blessing (Deuteronomy 28 blessings for obedience) By the Blood of Yahshua comes all the Blessings of Abraham upon us. (Galatians 3:13-16) “And You are the head and […]
Most Popular Western European Name For 10 Years is “Mohamed” (statistics in every major city)
Two Stories and Two Polls for major cities of Holland and of England. The Priory of Salem Peace Institute is holding the following scientific survey. SURVEY 1: THE DUTCH NAME […]
Mp3* Hell, Fire and Brimstone (Greg Laurie)
For New Believers, who haven’t yet dedicated their lives to Christ. Popular Evangelist, Pastor Greg Laurie of Southern California, gives this sobering take on the topic of “Hell, Fire and […]
A Prayer To Heal Yourself
The attached “COVENANT PRAYER NAMES CHANT” can be used in whole or in part at any time. We use it during Sabbath services and the Culdee Monks of Glastonbury use […]
Sweden the Rape Capital of the West (statistics and peaceful solution)
Most already know that South Africa is the #1 rape capital of the world. However, you want to hear something really seldom spoken of? SWEDEN is #2 in rapes! Below […]
SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL “LAW ENFORCEMENT” Oath of Office to Protect and Defend the Constitution
I just want to take a moment to thank all officers of the law, who follow their oaths. The central part of the oath: “…to protect and defend the constitution” […]
Southern Baptists Choose New Beliefs Against God’s Word
This is proof that the Holy Spirit has left this denomination long ago. One Bible believer will normally put 1,000 non-Bible believers to flight. Non-believers normally wouldn’t be able to […]
Scots are Goths From The Ukraine Region
SCOTS ARE GOTHS FROM THE UKRAINE REGION. This book attached by LA WADDELL (or Haberman’s “Tracing Our Ancestors”, or Steven Collin’s books on the Goths) should remove any slightest doubt […]
Several Thousand Library Articles Back Online
Several thousand articles from the Anglo Israel Library is back online. We’re proud to bring these research articles back online to you once again. These theologians dedicated their lives to laboring […]
Solomon’s Ships Sailed to America and To Britain
Below images of oldest 10 Commandments found here: https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/oldest-known-10-commandments-is-in-america-in-ancient-hebrew-script-from-time-of-king-solomon/ It is the proof that at the time of King Solomon sanctuaries were founding in America (complete with the oldest copy of […]
Archaeology and History Attest to the Reliability of the Bible
This is a preview (fair use) from the many articles found in the “Evidence Bible“ By Richard M. Fales, Ph.D. No other ancient book is questioned or maligned like the […]
How Much Revisionism (and removing national symbols) is required to “cure racism” from the nation?
A commentary by Grand Marshal Rev Stephen MK, How Much Revisionism (and removing national symbols) is required to “cure racism” from the nation? To get rid of racism in America […]
A Miraculous Event Occured: Consecration Day for H.E. ArchBishop Stephen Michael ++ February 7th, 2015
As forwarded from His Eminence Abp. Stephen Michael ++ On the day of my consecration at Berlin in the AOCC. (check the dates), The very same day I was consecrated […]
YOU might be a suspected accomplice to the Criminal act of “complacency with a crime of sodomy” (most states require a citizens arrest of any knowledge of felonies).
Peaceful Separation / Excommunication Decree for any act of “complacency with sodomy”. To be signed and promulgated by any who wish to remain in communion with any part of […]
Texas Wants Its Gold Back From The Feds
In a unanimous move, Texas has passed a bill (and Governor Abbot has signed) for all their gold bars to be returned home. More info: http://www.ibtimes.com/texas-gold-returning-within-states-borders-officials-unsure-when-how-repository-will-1995922 http://conservativetribune.com/texas-prepares-for-secession-1/ http://www.hngn.com/articles/106969/20150706/texas-wants-to-move-its-gold-back-home-does-it-have-plans-to-secede.htm
New Billboards” “We Must Obey God Rather Than Men” Acts 5:29
In memory of the valiant efforts of the two bakers that defied the dictates of man, in order to serve the Living God: COMING SOON: $10 Million dollar fines if […]
Felony Hate Crimes for Churches, As Supreme Court’s Tyrannical Edict Goes Against Nature and Families
It’s not just about civil unions. In each case, the extremist rainbow flag wavers have taken the issues ten times farther than ever dreamed. Now our beliefs and nature itself […]
The Never-Ending Last Days and It’s Implications on Theology
Ensure Privacy. Downloadable PUBLIC SERVANT’S QUESTIONNAIRE – Public Law 93-579
Please use downloadable format for any time you believe your privacy is being violated. If the person/agent signs, it demonstrates good faith that the said person/agent does not intend to violate our […]
Foreign ADL Hitmen Layoffs, Now With Control of All Local Law Enforcement.
The ADL has been a primary wing of oppression, abusing hate crimes laws, in order to attack the Constitutional rights of every American (who are not in the minority). In […]
Elijah Style Dought Ended. Now Epic FLOODS
Since 2013 the Witchita Falls region of Texas has been in a stage 5 drought (worst possible rating), and has been considered a Natural Disaster. This is nearby our church […]