Texas Senate passes bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms “We think there can be a restoration of faith in America, and we think getting [the] Ten Commandments on these […]
Tag: republic of texas
TEXIT Bill has a good chance of passing. Endorsements are Mounting Through the Texas State House of Representatives
The TEXIT bill is moving fast through the Texas State House of Representatives. At this rate it has a very good chance of passing so that the people of Texas […]
Perpetual Union of Confederated Sovereign States – FUND OUR ADS PLEASE
Texas Wants Its Gold Back From The Feds
In a unanimous move, Texas has passed a bill (and Governor Abbot has signed) for all their gold bars to be returned home. More info: http://www.ibtimes.com/texas-gold-returning-within-states-borders-officials-unsure-when-how-repository-will-1995922 http://conservativetribune.com/texas-prepares-for-secession-1/ http://www.hngn.com/articles/106969/20150706/texas-wants-to-move-its-gold-back-home-does-it-have-plans-to-secede.htm
New Billboards” “We Must Obey God Rather Than Men” Acts 5:29
In memory of the valiant efforts of the two bakers that defied the dictates of man, in order to serve the Living God: COMING SOON: $10 Million dollar fines if […]
Felony Hate Crimes for Churches, As Supreme Court’s Tyrannical Edict Goes Against Nature and Families
It’s not just about civil unions. In each case, the extremist rainbow flag wavers have taken the issues ten times farther than ever dreamed. Now our beliefs and nature itself […]
Ensure Privacy. Downloadable PUBLIC SERVANT’S QUESTIONNAIRE – Public Law 93-579
Please use downloadable format for any time you believe your privacy is being violated. If the person/agent signs, it demonstrates good faith that the said person/agent does not intend to violate our […]
DEFEATING LAND TYRANNY in North American and European Republics
Republic of Texas The Sovereign Nation, Land and Government
Obama Ready To “Shutdown” 16 U.S. States – Republic of Texas May Arise Sooner Rather Than Later
9-11 Prophetic Fulfillment on Babylon Occupiers of Manasseh Israel?
The Christ’s Assembly at The Republic of Texas Babylon/USA Paper ——————————————————————————– Hello Everyone, Greetings in Yahweh I have seen a lot of questions here of late about America being […]