“The Race of Christians” a phrase embraced by the persecuted early church Martyrs.

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“The Race of Christians” a phrase embraced by the persecuted early church Martyrs.

(Transcript released notes for the topic broadcasted on “Our Father’s Business”. A message by Dr Stephen MK Brunswick.)

The early Saints gladly used the terminology used by their persecutors, called “the Race of Christians” to refer to their physical genealogy/genetics (or Gentry).

Around 150 AD Saint Justin Martyr wrote:

“Christ is King of Israel, and Christians are the Israelite Race.” DIALOGUE WITH TRYPHO, Chapter 135 – Justin Martyr 100-165 A.D.

In this writing you’ll learn that those who butchered the church, did so because they identified Christians as an elite higher race that were far too dangerous to let live. The proof is in the pudding, lets bring it out, from multiple angles. They all agreed they were identified as kindred families of the Celtic Galilean “race”, a people with a “god fearing” ability which the Greeks and Jews admitted they did not posses as a race of people.  In the numerous accounts it was of their full persuasion that this Christian race had super-human genetic abilities, who would overrun all their power quite easily. They feared the Christians’ might.

We’ll be getting into a few accounts of St Tertullian, St Polycarp, St George, St Eusubius, and the various government accounts written by their accusers.

St George himself had agreed with the accusations against his “race of Christians”. He more closely identified the Christian race to be the "race of Galileans" (As from the book :”the Maryrdom and Miracles of Saint George of Cappadocia” English w/ Aramaic original text, pub 1888.

In this account of Saint George, the Saint rebuked the governor Dadianus “… thou hast put me to the torture for the past seven years, thou hast slain me thrice, I died three times, and three times did my Lord Jesus Christ raise me up; but I never heard these words from before thee until this present. Knowest thou not, O governor, that this race of Galileans is one that loves victory, and that it fights against those that fight against it? And behold thy words gladden me this day and thy speech greatly persuades me.” (St George then successfully gathered the whole city to watch him smash all their idols.)

When George got the victory in sight of all, Dardiaus retreated to his wife, saying “O Queen Alexandra, I suffer much through this race of Christians…”. She replied, “.. let this race of Christians alone, for the King of heaven is their God, and he is the God of heaven and earth and will humble thy pride straightway.”

This should be no surprise to any student of Scripture, who knows that all the Apostles (but one Judas) were Celtic Galileans. Christ was a Galilean of Nazareth, and we know the Scriptures say Nazarenes had skin whiter than milk, and were ruddy(the bright blood red / shiny color) as it says “more red in body as rubies”(Lam 4:7-8), this is never referring to black or brown skin which are unable to blush. The word Adam in Hebrew AWDAWM nr 119 in Strong’s means to flush in the face, turn rosy, turn red or blush. Many races cannot blush when there is shame, and this historically has been correlated as going down to the soul of pre-adamic peoples that Adam’s line was forbidden to marry *but marry only they of your Kindred* which is why Christ had to prove His genealogy to Adam, as recorded “son of Adam” through His mother’s genealogy. Galileans were always considered a different race than the Caaanite occupiers of Judea. They were linked with the pure tribe from before Israel’s occupation by their millions of their enemies, when all Israelites were carried away captive into Babylonian captivity. Christ Himself highlighted it many times that those usurpers (family of Herod the Edomite) in the priesthood and had no blood relation to the Israelites. The pre-babylonian captivity race of Israel looked like King David who was described multiple times in Scripture as being very ruddy (red haired) and with fair/white skin (1 Sam 16:12, 17:42) his son Solomon was called “white and ruddy” (Sng 5:10) It says “Her Nazerites were purer than snow, whiter than milk, their polishing was of sapphires”(blue veins clearly sparkling the royal blue color of Sapphires, not black to the sight). The Romans also gave depictions of the Galilean Apostles and of Christ, saying they were not like the darker ones of Judea, and so they would always get charged the foreigners tax when entering into Judea (like the “foreigners tax” which the Apostles paid when they visited, see: Matt 17:24).

This isn’t to say that they don’t get a sun tan. However when one is mixed they won’t show blue, red or other colors of skin, but stay one brownish color. If someone has skin damage and hard to detect, typically the wrist or another place is a quick way to check. Otherwise try and get them real embarrassed and see if they change colors :-). It mentions the mixed multitude are unable to blush many times.

A key point of linguistics in this matter may be found in the word Christian, (Christos in Greek) meaning anointing into an office. It’s about knowing your office in Christ Jesus’ body, the church, the Temple body of the House of Israel of which the 10 lost tribes were revived in the Galilean and kindred Celtic peoples. It is this group of people which He is building up as His one greater Temple body, comprised of the Israelites, as the Scriptures say that it “all God’s covenants, laws, promises, and adoption itself, pertains exclusively to Israelites..(paraphrased)”, and “..for their flesh Christ came”(Rom 9:4-5). It’s about knowing what you are, in Him, in the light, shining His victory, through His body, out to the world, to His praise. Multiple times Christ said He is not sent to any other people, but the actual lost Sheep of the House of Israel (calling out the imposters which had other genealogies, the word for family genetics he used in relation to a dog lady known as a Canaanite, and as the Edomite tribe who had him killed, and as the Pharisees who had under Herod’s watch removed all the actual descendants of Abraham, who did not have a trace of Abraham’s blood, but here a “generation of vipers and serpent races” who had no capacity to understand His word as they “could not understand, and were unable to hear His word” (references https://www.st-andrewsocc.org/2021/12/gods-law-is-for-celto-saxon-israel-exclusively-christ-says-avoid-other-tribes-or-ethnos/ ).

There are many clues in the usage of the word human also. The accounts of early church fathers also indicated there were only 3 races of humanity itself (as 2nd Century Christian writer Aristides called “Chaldeans, Greeks and Egyptians”), which were restricted to be of the civilized portions of three historic, distinct, White nations (who have great portrait imagry, and statues sculpted depicting of their whiteness BTW). The older forms of the word human meant to be closer to the Divine, and had to do with Nobility, being humane/humain etc. Check dictionary.com (it goes back to the 1700s and 1400s). Only in very recent times as the blood has been polluted this word human meant to become lower and lower. Adam was made as the highest of creation, and was Himself called a son of God. Savage cannibal cultures who never invented anything more advanced than a mud hut or raft, weren’t even considered among these. Neither were the giants or other 2 legged creatures, some which were related to Canaanites were not to let live, including their cattle and possessions, all had to be “utterly destroyed” because it was so perverted and corrupted. Pagans launched their persecutions against the Christians on the basis that they had this special inherent genetic (or genealogy/gentry) trait limited to what in their original concepts meant they were the highest race of individuals. The name for god-fearer also as relating to Israelites (and particular to those among Israelites that do have that fear of God) was something that some had internally among the high race, which the other races did not possess.

Upon a widge ranging analysis of the writings, it’s clear the reach the conclusion has been thoroughly referenced as from the book “Image and Reality, The Jews in the World of the Christians in the Second Century” By Judith Lieu pub 2003:

It was fully acknowledged by the pagans that Christians were unique as a being, not just as a frame of mind, but of what they are as an existance. They gave them the name godfearer, but also gave them the name “third race”. It was a frame of mind coming from their stem of humanity.

Tertullian narrowed down the thought, to ensure they were not talking about the “dog faced people” (said to be a half ape people inhabiting Africa) but were talking about descendants of a people who could “blush”. Actually if you used today’s terminology it can be said he was referring to the most evolved race. In his letter “Ad Nationes” he spent a great deal on this part of his letter exposing what the Pagans themselves called Christians “the third race”. He did this while confirming that the only races that existed as human in the pagan mind were included with Egyptian and Greek. The first and second races were considered as people with new paradigms of thinking but reserved to an ethnicity. He recounted their legend of how the first race was confirmed as the Phygrians (later to be Roman race, who were descendant of Greeks). The story goes that those of this Phygrian stock were the first as well as the latest race. Their basis was the proof of an independent deeper awareness as demonstrated from birth of the first of their nation, and cited that they demonstrated their supremacy of a language, although they learned to speak their first words without ever hearing a human voice. They learned from blushing of their mother who could not speak, as her tounge was cut out. He scoulds them for not clearly admitting what is the second race, which should come before the third. The second race he laid out in Chapter 8 being Jews, as they were scattered over the Roman world. However he highlighted finally that all the nations were Christian, and if we are called the third or latest race, then we would be of the highest rank. As the Scripture tells us the House of Israel remained a separate people that moved North and West to become a multitude of mighty nations. (See British israelism books https://celticorthodoxy.com/tag/british-israel-book/ , en 110 Marks of Israel https://celticorthodoxy.com/2020/12/110-marks-of-israel-bible-references-identifying-the-difference-between-true-israel-saxon-christendom-and-false-idumea-a-people-of-gods-curse/ .)

As you can see clearly, race almost never referred to non-Whites, as those were other creations from before Adam that mankind was placed here to help rescue and uplift, as we see happening everywhere. That true Blessing of Abraham to the whole world, which is why they want to flood our borders and share in our blessings that come to Abraham’s seed by covenant promise and blessing from God Himself. Race would be describing various families within the gentry. Very rarely there would be a specified context of “other” tribes or “other” gentiles, otherwise gentile itself referred to the nation (or genealogy/genetics) of Israelites.  included commands not to mix. In later modern literature it continued that the word race was used to refer to families exclusively within the kindred white nations. In English, French and German there were numerous names for each Clan name to designate heirship and belonging of allegiance as attached to their ownership. Any various race of gentlemen had pedigrees to their land holdings of Britain, and these were used to prove allegiances. In Germany although the national name Allemania (all of the tribe) meant they belong all to one original stem, they had terms like Witukindischer (meaning descendant of Witukind) who himself was Woden born. All the the Saxon land holders kept genealogies back not only to Odin, but to Noah’s son Shem. Note: Odin is called the all-father because he (as laid out in various encyclopedias) had gone through Europe and reduced the populations (per the Hebrew law to remove all males) of many of countless cities, and installed himself and his sons to the the only fathers.

Regarding the persecutions of the first few centuries. The Martyrs embraced their new designation. Many even taunted on behalf of it, to better prove our superior faith and rank before God. Tertullian used their own words and teachings to show that we are then the latest and greatest of the very narrow branch of the human group of created humaniods.

Below is a quote from pg 220 from the book “The Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church”:


“..we found that immediately in the

First Century the Orthodox Hebrew leaders had immediately rejoined

to the Kingdom Government in the British Isles (where

the House of David, House of Aaron, Levi, and Ephraim had

become established). Over there the leaders had

maintained our safe places. The Holy Apostle + Saint Andrew en

+Saint Joseph bear witness of these realities as celebrated

throughout Christendom. We had the regular doctrinal positions

prevailing in favor of Sabbath in the farthest the West, while in

areas like Constantinople they had been long overran by Rome.

Tertullian (c. 155-222A.D.) the theologian, wrote: “The

extremities of Spain, the various parts of Gaul, the regions of

Britain which have never been penetrated by Roman arms have

received the religion of Christ.” (Tertullian Def. Fidei, page 179).

This refuge in the various parts of Britain (namely Scotland who prevailed for many more centuries) not dominated by Rome were the strongest safe areas safe from the

Roman persecutions.

+Bishop St Theophilus of Antioch (170A.D.). In Book II, chapter 12 he had written this about the Sabbath, “They also speak concerning the day which all men call the seventh day, but whose origin is unknown to all men; what the Hebrews call the Sabbath is the seventh day, and it is known as the seventh day among all peoples; but they do not know why.”

In Book III he wrote that “King David our ancestor” (meaning his and Antolycum’s ancestor) and said “Abraham our forefather” and “Abraham our Patriarch”. Jerome and Eusebius also confirmed this St Theophilus as also the author of these letters to Antolycum.

The great church historian Saint Eusubius(260-340 A.D.) also used this phrase “the Christian race”. Like in the Aramaic account of St George, he too described the “Christian Race” as Celtic and Galileans just as the Scriptures did, describing their passage to the British Isles. His account of Polycarp (Polycarp also being ordained in the succession of the Apostle John and it is indisputed that his tradition, such as the Celtic Calendar came to the Western Gallican Rite Orthodoxy. He established a line of Bishops of Gaul/France and of Britain.) Eusubius knew exactly who he was refering to when he wrote about the “Christian race”. In one of his works, the Demonstratione Evangelii, he wrote: “The Apostles passed beyond the ocean to the Isles called the Britannic Isles.”

In his Encylical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna, in Chapter III, on the martyrdom of St Germanicus and Polycarp, he said the people marvelled at the way in which Christians died in full faith, as “marvelling at the Nobility of mind displayed by the devout and godly race of Christians.” (Another translation:

“the nobleness of the God-loving and God-fearing race of Christians”)

Saint Eusebius had much more to say indicating them to be of the Galilean pure stock.

The following image is taken from the book “Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Roman World” by Eilers, Pub 2009. As taken from the “Diplomacy and Identity Among Jews and Chrstians” on pg 113.



Meer informatie:

  1. De Jeruzalemkerk verhuisde naar Groot-Brittannië, en de Apostolische Stoel van Glastonbury, later het "Tweede Rome" genoemd. Veel Britse heiligen uit de 1e-2e eeuw getuigen hiervan, zie bijgevoegde pdf van Saints
  2. Hebreeuwse Keltische oorsprong van de christelijke kerk
  3. De verklaring van Arbroath, het bewijs dat de Schotten Israëlieten zijn van "Greater Scythia"
  4. Affinity Between the Hebrew and Celtic Languages (AKA Races)
  5. De reis van Saint Brendan (de Culdee) naar Amerika in de 6e eeuw
  6. The Early British Church, from “Celt, Druid and Culdee” by Elder
  7. Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright (Celtic British Israel Book)